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Your general Wealth and Fortune prospects for the year 2022 depends on the way you spend the money you get. While the year can be termed positive in terms of financial opportunities, if you decide to take it easy or just give away your money, it will cost you dearly. You can expect a sudden boost to financial prospects during January and then again in October. It is important to stay away from impulse purchases. You may be lured by new products and attractive offers into spending money on products that will ultimately prove to be worthless. This is especially probable during the months of January, May and September. Be smart when it comes to work. Rather than putting all eggs in one basket, it is better to diversify your options and try to earn some extra cash. Use your skills, invest in yourself. Place goals when it comes to savings. Check them during April-May and then again in October-November. Make sure you have enough balance to face any contingency during this time. Draw up a financial plan and act on it during the first 10 months. Use the final two months to evaluate your performance. At times you will feel the urge to be generous and throw money around. Do not let it be so. Instead, take the wise option and buy a premium wealth horoscope.
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Basic Horoscope details
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Lagna Based Predictions (Personality traits based on wealth and fortune)
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Nakshatra based predictions
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House Analysis for wealth
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Wealth overview based on the placement of planets in the hora chart
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Yogas for gaining wealth
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Favorable Periods for house construction
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Not Available