
ClickAstro’s daily horoscope predictions based on the Hindu calendar offer astrology’s take on your life as depicted through the twelve zodiac signs, twelve houses and planetary placements in the universe. These daily astrology predictions can give you timely advice on how to take control of a particular aspect of your life or avoid potentially dangerous situations. Follow ClickAstro’s free daily horoscope to get access to important predictions about the impacts of the planets and stars on your daily lives. Simply click on your star sign to read the daily horoscope of the day.

Aries (21 Mar - 20 Apr):

Your ability to analyze and implement new ideas will help you tremendously today. You will be able to finish your projects much ahead of the deadline.All your efforts you have put in to create something useful for others as well as yourself will be rewarded. You will succeed in creating what you set out to do.It would benefit you if you are graceful enough to accept the ideas presented by others. This will help you in expanding and strengthening your own ideas and reach your goal.Do not give in to any temptation to be involved in any big projects now. It's not a favorable time to get into something new now. Analyze your future prospects and once you ensure that the steps you are going to take is safe, only then proceed.Your passion for new things and novelties will get you involved in a profitable new project.

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Taurus (21 Apr - 21 May):

Try not to push people around at work today. You will only create bad feelings around you. Also beware of any foul play. Men should especially take care.You are known to be a person with high philosophical thoughts. Your insights and views and opinions will be highly appreciated today. People might even come to you seeking advice.Be courageous today as you face some unexpected issues at work or in your business deals. Courage will win the day for you.

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Gemini (22 May - 21 Jun):

Today is not a favorable time to experiment. You need to think through before trying out new ways. Do not act on impulses as things may go wrong.You have the compassion and empathy that makes people bare all to you. Today you will be able to help an introvert person to talk about the issue s/he is facing. You might also be able to resolve the issue.Women will be charming and popular today at parties or functions they attend today.Discuss with people close to you as well as with experts before making any alterations to your home or office.Women who exhibit great energy and are vibrant and work vigorously will be resented for these very qualities. There might be people who comment that they are not being feminine. Women shouldn't take such negative comments seriously and should go ahead if

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Cancer (22 Jun - 22 Jul):

Do not let your friends, colleagues or other family members interfere with your wishes. They might not like your thoughts and ideas but if you feel you are right just go ahead. Your dreams and desires are yours to fulfill.You have an ability to take independent decisions. This would prove very beneficial to you today as you take an important decision.There might be some unforeseen family matters that might require your immediate attention today. This might keep you away from your job or business.

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Leo (23 Jul - 23 Aug):

Try not to push people around at work today. You will only create bad feelings around you. Also beware of any foul play. Men should especially take care.Try and analyze the reasons or basis for the interest you have developed in a new acquaintance. Do not place your trust on anyone before you know them well.You are known to be a person with high philosophical thoughts. Your insights and views and opinions will be highly appreciated today. People might even come to you seeking advice.Lack of physical stamina will lead you to procrastinate. You won't be up to implementing your ideas instead you would spend your time thinking and analyzing.

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Virgo (24 Aug - 22 Sep):

You have the compassion and empathy that makes people bare all to you. Today you will be able to help an introvert person to talk about the issue s/he is facing. You might also be able to resolve the issue.You may feel drained of all your energy as you it gets wasted on an unsuccessful project you've taken up. Stop wasting your time and energy and take up something that would refresh you.Women will be charming and popular today at parties or functions they attend today.Women who exhibit great energy and are vibrant and work vigorously will be resented for these very qualities. There might be people who comment that they are not being feminine. Women shouldn't take such negative comments seriously and should go ahead ifYour emotional vulnerability and lack of physical energy will make you very cautious in all your interactions today.

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Libra (23 Sep - 23 Oct):

Your ability to analyze and implement new ideas will help you tremendously today. You will be able to finish your projects much ahead of the deadline.All your efforts you have put in to create something useful for others as well as yourself will be rewarded. You will succeed in creating what you set out to do.It would benefit you if you are graceful enough to accept the ideas presented by others. This will help you in expanding and strengthening your own ideas and reach your goal.Do not give in to any temptation to be involved in any big projects now. It's not a favorable time to get into something new now. Analyze your future prospects and once you ensure that the steps you are going to take is safe, only then proceed.Your passion for new things and novelties will get you involved in a profitable new project.

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Scorpio (24 Oct - 22 Nov):

You will be in a positive energy frame today. It makes you optimistic and gives you the faith in your resources and their support. You will also have the confidence to express yourself clearly.Today you may feel exhausted of the demands made on you at home as well as at work. You need to take some time out and think and plan your work. For all you know, you might be doing something the hard way.A favorable day for working women.Women who have the habit of taking bold decisions independently may be resented for their strength. They needn't bother about it as it's just that people are jealous of them.Lack of physical stamina will lead you to procrastinate. You won't be up to implementing your ideas instead you would spend your time thinking and analyzing.

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Sagittarius (23 Nov - 21 Dec):

Your investigative and inventive mind will lead you to discover something new. Your creative discovery will also bring you lot of appreciation and recognition.Love and care from your near and dear ones will act as an energy booster and will encourage you to take up something creative and effective.Keep your expectations low from your dream project. It will take time to bear fruits. Meanwhile, do not give up and instead work harder and hope for the best.You will be lacking in confidence today. But if you need to secure your future then you need to go ahead and do what your conscience thinks is right. Things will change for the better very soon.Implementing any new innovation may cost you dearly. Keep aside a part of your budget to incur such costs. Avoid spending on impulse and taking any gambles.

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Capricorn (22 Dec - 20 Jan):

You might be lucky today. But you would still have to work too hard or push hard to get even the smallest of things done.Be grateful as it is your good karma that will help you avoid mistakes in your business deals or at work today.You tend to be shy and secretive. This keeps you away from meeting new people who might even be of some real help to you.Today you will receive some unexpected financial help. It will prompt you to start working on a long-shelved project. You have been low on funds to start this earlier.

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Aquarius (21 Jan - 18 Feb):

Try not to push people around at work today. You will only create bad feelings around you. Also beware of any foul play. Men should especially take care.You are known to be a person with high philosophical thoughts. Your insights and views and opinions will be highly appreciated today. People might even come to you seeking advice.Be courageous today as you face some unexpected issues at work or in your business deals. Courage will win the day for you.

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Pisces (19 Feb - 20 Mar):

Fathers need to spend more time with their family and kids. They are missing the love and care that only a father can provide them.You have to be very firm while communicating to anybody that matters relating to your spouse, children and your private life is off limits. Ensure that there are no unnecessary interference into your private life.You will prefer working on your own as you detest authority. You don't like people telling you what to do and how to do it.You have been careless enough to neglect your favorite hobbies. They are the things that keep you vibrant and energetic. Neglecting your hobbies would only make you dull.

Also Read Next Day prediction, Weekly Prediction, Monthly Prediction

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Daily Horoscope in English – What do the stars have planned?

Every day is a new start and brings with it a fresh set of opportunities to explore. However, life can be unpredictable, and thus, knowing today’s horoscope & how your day will progress can surely benefit you. Check out Free Daily Horoscope for all zodiac signs here to understand what’s in store for you. Make your best moments count while gearing up for any obstacles you may encounter.

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What is a Horoscope?

The word “Horoscope” is a combination of two words – ‘Horo’ meaning an hour, and ‘Scope’ meaning – to view. Hence, the word Horoscope signifies – the view of the hour. Horoscopes relate to the study of celestial bodies like the Sun, the planets, the Moon, etc. and how their movement influences your life.

Horoscopes are designed based on your birth timings and define the placement of different planets at specific timings at a given place and hence, they’re known to be unique to each individual.

Each horoscope consists of 12 houses (Bhavas) according to Hindu astrology. The right analysis of your horoscope can help you learn not only about your future but also about the past deeds and the present. Apart from 12 houses, horoscope charts also hold information about planets, zodiac signs, aspects, characteristics, behaviour, likes/dislikes of a particular individual.

Favourable and unfavourable timings in the life of an individual can be identified by reading horoscopes. The charts can also answer questions related to career, love life, relationships, zodiac compatibility with a person, etc. You can learn about fortunes to come your way, setbacks in life, the right time to get married, struggles, and more all from your Daily Horoscope/Astrology chart.

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Lagna and Rashi – How do they impact you?

According to the concept of Vedic astrology, both Lagna (the Sun sign) and Rashi (the Moon sign) are important factors in your horoscope and the chart details clear information about them. However, not everyone is quite aware of the difference between the two and often get confused. Let’s understand what influence each sign has in your life.

The Lagna (the Sun sign)

As per astrology, Lagna (the Sun sign) controls your zodiac personality, highlights important aspects of your characteristics, personality, behaviour, etc. and also details what your beliefs are as an individual. Figuring out your Lagna sign is easy and can be done by checking your birth date and the zodiac month you’re born in. There are 12 signs in the zodiac circle from Aries to Pisces and each zodiac sign is ruled by a planet that influences the personality of every individual.

The Rashi (the Moon sign)

Your Rashi gets determined based on the position of the Moon at the time of your birth. You need your exact birth time, date, and place to know what your Rashi is. The Moon signs revolve around the 12 zodiac symbols and stay in each one of them for nearly 2 days.

The Sun sign tells you about your personality, the Moon sign, on the contrary, talks about your moods and emotions. For example – If you’re a Capricorn, you’ll tend to have more discipline and will have more willpower. However, if you’re a Pisces, you will show signs of being passionate, dreamy, and will have an introspective behaviour. At times, an individual can get inclined towards a particular sign (Lagna or Rashi), and in such cases, depending on the side they’re inclined to, their behaviour starts getting influenced accordingly.

Difference Between Rashi and Lagna

Both Sun signs and the Moon signs follow the zodiac signs and require your date, time, and place of birth, however, one factor that differentiates the two is that – the Moon sign needs more accurate information on the year, month, day, time, and place. The Sun revolves around all 12 zodiac signs in 12 months i.e., it stays with each one of them for a month. The Moon, on the contrary, stays with a particular sign only for two and a half days. Thus, to calculate your Moon Sign (aka Rashi), you must know your exact time and place of birth.

How does reading your free daily horoscope benefit you?

Since time immemorial, human beings have looked up at the stars for inspiration or guidance in their life path. Astrology is an ancient science that is perhaps the most mysterious system of the wisdom of the universe connecting every life, creation and event on Earth. Therefore, many sages and astrologers have also called astrology as the art of divination.

ClickAstro understands astrology as both an art and a science. The scientific part of astrology is quite prominent as every prediction about a person’s life that astrologers make is done by calculations using mathematical, geometrical and astronomical methods. Astrological predictions are based on observations and the interdependence of scientific methods and divination.

In ancient times, the astrologers watched the sky and observed how the planets and other celestial bodies followed a path around the universe. They recorded them, and based on that, they came up with astrology as a science to make accurate predictions about an individual as to their future appearances.

Gradually, they also started to observe how the certain position at which the celestial bodies stayed corresponded to the changes in weather and events in someone’s lives. To summarize, astrology is an ancient system of the vast wisdom and understanding of the universe that gives us self-knowledge and awareness to take control of our lives using divination and natural phenomenon.

For today’s horoscope, you can check out ClickAstro’s daily astrology predictions specific to your zodiac signs. The twelve zodiac signs are categorised into groups of elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth according to their familiarity with each other. For instance, the Fire group comprises of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius signs, but every individual of a particular zodiac will express their fiery temperament in a way unique to them.

Why ClickAstro?

Your Daily Horoscope report at ClickAstro can help you learn more about how your day will pan out. It highlights what all obstacles you would encounter in your daily routine based on the position and movement of the celestial bodies. Further, using your Today’s Horoscope in English report you can get deeper insights about your personality, career, love life, relationships with others, and even check your compatibility with other zodiac signs.

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kamlesh kumar dixit
very best
I was debating between a new job offer and staying in my current role. This career horoscope showed a favorable period for a career shift, so I took the leap. Three months in, I?m in a much better position, just as the report suggested. It helped me make a confident decision.
When I read my full horoscope, I was shocked at how accurately it described my past experiences. It explained my career struggles and even mentioned a turning point in my personal life that happened exactly as described. The financial predictions gave me insights on when to take risks and when to hold back.
I always wondered why certain patterns kept repeating in my life. This horoscope explained it all?my strengths, struggles, and planetary influences. It even highlighted a challenging phase I went through last year with surprising accuracy. The predictions for the coming years give me a sense of direction.
This report helped me gain perspective on my career choices. It highlighted my strengths, the best career paths, and favorable periods for changes. The insights were practical and aligned well with my experiences.
A well-structured report covering all aspects of life?career, relationships, health, and finance. The planetary influences and future predictions were detailed yet easy to understand. It gave me clarity on key life decisions.
The report provided a detailed analysis of my personality, strengths, and challenges. The Dasha periods and planetary transits helped me understand upcoming opportunities. The insights felt personalized and accurate, making it a valuable read.
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