Free Love compatibility between Sagittarius Woman and Capricorn Man

Sagittarius Woman Capricorn Man
(23 Nov - 21 Dec)
(22 Dec - 20 Jan)
Quality Mutable, Masculine, Positive Cardinal, Feminine, Negative
Element Fire Earth
Ruler Jupiter Saturn
Symbol Archer Goat
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Love Compatibility Report

Both Sagittarius and Capricorn possess a number of virtues that appeal to each other. When they are together they spend most of their time teaching and learning from each other. Goat will be the presenter and Sag the learner. However, when Sag is broken hearted, Cappy will be there to heal the hurt with loving tenderness and generosity.

When it comes to the case of conversational pattern of Cappy and Archer, they don't always be a good match. Sag will find Cappy too silent and are holding much to themselves, and Cappy will find the Archer restless and not a good listener. They disagree much in the matter of money also. Capricorn will always have sound and safe savings, while a Sagittarius will find some way to get rid of the money he earns.

Sag people are optimistic and this will trouble the careful, pessimist Cappy, while the pessimism of Cappy will depress the soaring spirit of Archer. The best aspect of the Sagittarius-Capricorn relationship is their effectiveness as a team -- business or personal. Once they overcome their initial reluctance to the relationship, this pair will realize that they have a lot to offer one another. Their personalities, different in so many ways, make theirs a highly complementary relationship.

The Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man combination brings together two very different persons, but if they put out the effort they can create a harmonious relationship. Both have very different approach to life, a Sag woman prefer change and excitement in their life, while a Cappy man needs a sense of order and routine in their life to make him feel secure.

She will make him know about enjoyment and adventure, about the freedom that is often missing in his life. In turn, he will teach her patience and attention to detail, the knowledge that the little things are important, and help them focus their wandering energy. Sag woman will never be the prime consent in the life of a Cappy man, his family will be the one which attain that position.

In spite of these problems, this relationship can work very well if both of them really love and care each other and learn to accept and understand each other.

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