Soorya Jaap 28000 Mantra Puja
Soorya Jaap is the worship of the Sun to gain success in life, especially career.
What is Soorya Jaap 28000 Mantra Puja :
The Soorya Jaap 28000 Mantra puja worships the Sun God (the Planet Sun) to seeks blessings of excellence and success in life. The Sun is considered to be the most potent planet, as it controls the brain. It is believed to be the source of all life in the universe and one that we can see and worship.
Who should perform Soorya Jaap 28000 Mantra Puja :
Those who have malefic impact from the Sun in their horoscope, those seeking to enhance their career and business growth, academic success, and seeking the blessings of prosperity must perform this puja.
Why is Soorya Jaap 28000 Mantra Puja Done:
The Surya Mantra Jaap bestows:
- Inner peace and harmony in a native’s life.
- Academic excellence and growth.
- Successful career opportunities and business growth.
- Elimination of the Sun’s negative impacts and instilling positive energy in every aspect of their life
When is Soorya Jaap 28000 Mantra Puja Done (Auspicious times):
It is considered auspicious to conduct this puja on Sundays. The auspicious muhurat for the puja is determined by the individual's birth star/nakshatra.
Where is Soorya Jaap 28000 Mantra Puja done:
Puja can be performed either at your home, temple or as per the priest’s instructions.
How is Soorya Jaap 28000 Mantra Puja done (observances and rules):
- While performing this puja the devotee must sit facing East.
- It is essential to cleanse your body and keep your mind clean from any negative thoughts.
- Ensure to wear clean and new clothes.
- External distractions should be avoided while performing the puja.
- The observer must abstain from consuming alcohol and non-vegetarian food on the day of the puja.
- Further instructions will be given by the priest