Santan Gopal Mantra Jaap
Santan Gopal Mantra Jaap helps to remove all obstacles in begetting a child.
What is Santan Gopal Mantra Jaap?
Santan means heir and Gopal is Gopala Krishna or baby Krishna. Any couple who is having problems in getting a baby should perform this Jaap to get blessed with a baby by the blessings from Lord Krishna.
Why is Santan Gopal Mantra Jaap done?
The negative effects of the planets causing pregnancy-related issues can be overcome by performing Santan Gopal Mantra Jaap. The regular chanting of the Mantra dissolves all the obstacles in the way of begetting a child. It alleviates mental peace and blesses one with progeny. It helps to avoid miscarriages and to overcome complications during pregnancy. The Jaap nourishes the womb and protects both the mother and the child. Doing this Jaap also bestows the newborn with health, intelligence and prosperous well-being.
Who should do Santan Gopal Mantra?
The Santan Gopal Mantra Jaap is ideal for those experiencing a delay in parenthood.
Where is Santan Gopal Mantra done?
The Jaap can be carried out at home or temples under consultation with a priest or an astrologer.
When is Santan Gopal Mantra done?
The Santan Gopal Mantra Jaap is usually done on Thursdays or Saturdays. Auspicious dates are to be decided after checking the horoscope of the person.
How is Santan Gopal Mantra done?
The Jaap starts with a Gauri Ganesh puja followed by Kalash and Navagraha Puja. After this the Jaap is started. At the conclusion of the Jaap, Havan is performed.