Lakshmi Kubera Homa

Lakshmi Kubera Homa

Lakshmi Kubera Homam helps in financial wellbeing, prosperity and success in career, business, finance and wealth.

What is Lakshmi Kubera Homa:

Lakshmi Kubera Homa promotes prosperity and financial development. The Lakshmi Kubera Homa/Lakshmi Kubera Havan is performed in honour of Lord Kubera and Goddess Lakshmi to invoke their blessings of fortune and wealth.

Who should do Lakshmi Kubera Homa:

Those facing financial problems can perform this Homa/Havan to usher in prosperity

Why is Lakshmi Kubera Homa Done:

The Lakshmi Kubera Homa is performed to bring abundance of wealth and prosperity as well as an improvement in one's financial situation. Even during the most trying times, it controls the income flow and brings luck. Worshiping the goddess Lakshmi and the god Kubera, who are revered as the lords of wealth, bestows upon the devotees, a positive spirit, comforts, luxuries, fortune, good luck, and prosperity.

When is Lakshmi Kubera Homa Done (Auspicious times):

Auspicious days to conduct this Homa/Havan:

  • Navaratri or Diwali, Trayodashi, Pradosha tithis.
  • Performing this Homa on Akshaya Tritiya Day will increase wealth and prosperity.

Where is Lakshmi Kubera Homa done:

Puja can be performed either at your home, temple or as per the priest’s instructions.

How is Lakshmi Kubera Homa done (observances and rules):

The ingredients or puja samagri required will include turmeric, kumkum, sandalwood, incense sticks, camphor, flowers, fruits, betel leaves and nuts, coconut, rice, coins, sweet, and fabric.

  • The observer should possess good mental and physical wellbeing.
  • Wear clean new clothes
  • Perform the Homa with utmost devotion and faith.
  • Avoid external distractions.
List of pandits doing Lakshmi Kubera Homa
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Exp: 19 years
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