Karthaveeryarjuna Homam
Get back the lost money with Karthaveeryarjuna Homa
What is Karthaveeryarjuna Homa :
Karthaveeryarjuna Homa is performed to gain information about missing people, lost or stolen goods. It invokes the blessings of Lord Karthaveeryarjuna also known as Sahastrabahu or the Lord with thousand hands. Karthaveeryarjuna was the disciple of Lord Dattatreya who replenished lost wealth.
Who should perform Karthaveeryarjuna Homa :
Karthaveeryarjuna Homa should be performed for regaining lost wealth or jewels and also by ones whose near and dear ones may have gone missing.
Why is Karthaveeryarjuna Homa Done:
Karthaveeryarjuna Homam helps:
- Recover any materials or items that have been misplaced or stolen.
- Helps locate long-lost members of family.
- Recover any belongings or jewellery that your parents or ancestors.
- Recover any materials or objects that have been lost or stolen.
- Find and reconcile with relatives who are lost or reconnect broken relationships.
When is Karthaveeryarjuna Homa Done (Auspicious times):
The auspicious muhurat for the puja is determined by the individual's birth star/nakshatra. Your priest will suggest the most auspicious muhurat to perform the puja.
Where is Karthaveeryarjuna Homa done:
Puja can be performed either at your home, temple or as per the priest’s instructions.
How is Karthaveeryarjuna Homa done (observances and rules):
- While performing this puja the devotee must sit facing East.
- It is essential to cleanse your body and keep your mind clean from any negative thoughts.
- Should wake up early and after bath must offer prayers to the planet lords.
- Ensure to wear clean and new clothes.
- External distractions should be avoided while performing the puja.
- The observer must abstain from consuming alcohol and non-vegetarian food on the day of the puja.
- Further instructions will be given by the priest