Astrological analysis of the horoscope of Sridevi.
Sridevi’s Zodiac sign is Taurus, aka Vrishabha Rashi (Rishaba Rasi). In actress Sridevi’s horoscope, Mangal (Mars) is placed in the third house from Lagna and fifth house from the position of the moon.
The planets, positions of the planets, aspects, and influences, houses, and zodiac signs determine the personality and various aspects of life. Here is a brief outlook on the characteristics, family, career, etc. of actress Sridevi that may be a part of his personality.
Sridevi had a soft-spoken and pleasing personality. She was quiet when compared to others during situations where others are likely to turn violent. She might be a very generous person. She had an attractive appearance, intelligent, loves to travel, smart, honest, emotional, cautious, and witty. Sometimes, she might be very blunt which made her look like a self-centered person.
She possessed an amazing power of concentration and her utmost dedication might have helped her achieve great success in her career. She typically possesses a lot of patience and strongly believes in efforts and hard work. She was also extremely receptive to new ideas and can easily adapt to any new environment. Based on the strong position of the ascendant Lord, she was quite interested in literature, visual arts, and music. She was a passionate and romantic person.
Specific position and placement of the planets may cause an unexpected delay in many things. In her later years, she had a high authoritative position. Based on the planet placements and houses, she was a good speaker, highly intellectual, and had poetic talents. Her financial fortunes undergo specific rise and fall, while she might make her wealth on her own. She will enjoy an abundance of material comforts. The beneficial aspect of the planets on important houses reduces the negative impacts…Read More
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