Astrological analysis of the horoscope of APJ Abdul Kalam.
Placements of planets, specific planetary combinations, its aspects and influences in the horoscope indicate various events in a person’s life. Here’s the brief outlook on the success story of APJ Abdul Kalam from an astrological viewpoint.
Based on the horoscope and date of birth of APJ Abdul Kalam, he might have the following traits in his personality. He was bright, hard-working, quick-witted, quiet, sensitive, intelligent, strongly emotional, and self-reliant. He had high regard and valued traditions and inherited possessions. He was very open, assertive, and highly honest. He was a man of high intellect pursuits. People enjoyed his company and his pleasant personality. Throughout his life, he shall be receptive to new ideas. He may be easily adaptable to any environment.
There are specific placements in his horoscope that form rare yogas and Raj yogas bestowing immense popularity, respect, and recognition across the world. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam’s date of birth also indicates that he may face many hurdles in his life. Wisdom, knowledge, and quest for learning new things earn him deserved name, fame, and recognition. The aggressiveness in every task he pursues and his utmost sincerity will earn him assistance from powerful people. He may become an excellent communicator. He may have had a very difficult childhood. As he advances in age, the tables are turned. APJ Abdul Kalam might serve extremely well in Government service or large-scale industry beyond imagination…Read More
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