Astrological analysis of the horoscope of Ajay Devgan and kundli prediction for the year 2020.
The planets, positions of the planets, aspects and influences, houses and Zodiac sign determine the personality and various aspects of life. Here is a brief outlook on the characteristics, family, career, etc. of Actor Ajay Devgan that may be a part of his personality.
Ajay Devgan’s birth date is 2nd April 1969. According to Ajay Devgan’s Birth Chart, his birth star is Hastha. Ajay Devgan’s Zodiac sign is Virgo/Kanya Rashi.
Based on the ascendant and planetary positions in Ajay Devgan’s horoscope, he has a well-built physique, possesses extreme patience, adventurous, nervous, and little restless, quick-witted, honest and sincere, hard worker, extremely sensitive, strongly emotional and family-oriented. According to a specific planetary position in Ajay Devgan’s Horoscope, he may have a keen interest in science and technology. He is fascinated by technological advancements and electronics to be specific. He values traditions. At the same time, he is very receptive to new ideas and easily adaptable.
Luck may not favor him in early stages due to specific planetary house and placement indicated in Ajay Devgan Kundali. He may suffer hard due to a lot of responsibilities and hurdles that would affect his career growth and financial status. The wealth, career progress, and success will be slow and unsteady during the initial years. He may also face adversities and failures occasionally. All these changes dramatically as he will become very fortunate, wealthy, and blessed with abundance. His hard work and dedication pay off earning him name, fame, and recognition. During the initial years, he may have faced a lot of struggles which resulted in a loss of childhood happiness and innocence…Read More
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