Name: Madhuri Dixit
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 15 May, 1967 Monday
Time of Birth (Hr.Min.Sec) : 06:15:00 PM Standard Time
Time Zone (Hrs.Mins): 05:30 East of Greenwich
Place of Birth: Mumbai
Longitude&Latitude (Deg.Mins): 72.51 East, 19.03 North
Ayanamsa: Chitra Paksha = 23 Deg. 23 Min. 53Sec
Birth Star – Star Pada (Quarter): Pushya – 2
Birth Rasi – Rasi Lord: Karkataka-Chandra
Madhuri Dixit ‘s Horoscope and Success: Explained from an Astrological perspective
Placements of planets, specific planetary combinations, its aspects and influences in the horoscope indicate various events in a person’s life. Here’s the brief outlook on the success story of Madhuri Dixit from an astrological viewpoint.
The following characteristics may be a part of her personality based on Madhuri Dixit’s Horoscope. She will be a soft-spoken, calm, pleasing, and intelligent personality. She will have clean intentions at heart and remains composed even in adverse circumstances. Madhuri Dixit works hard and smart to achieve her goals since it will be difficult for her to accept failure. She may have an appealing quality of seeming to remain eternally youthful. She may bring a lot of respect, popularity, and recognition to the family.
She will be idealistic, positive, quick-witted, well-informed, and interested in logic, a bit of a dreamer, self-confident, and somewhat imaginative personality. She will love traveling and have a keen interest in music and arts. She will carry an impressive appearance, beautiful face, pleasant behavior, and mostly be addressed in nicknames. She will develop tremendous influence over others as she ages. She is financially lucky and will witness advancements and improvements in status and position dramatically. She will be fortunate in many ways and be well-liked. She may love to be adventurous…Read More
While she will earn a massive amount of money, she will not be keen on it. Due to a specific combination of planets in Madhuri Dixit Kundali, she may suffer due to misplaced trust and criticism at times. She will be a self-made individual, rising to fame and recognition and a source of inspiration. She may travel a lot due to her profession. She will be wealthy and be able to acquire the things she is interested in. She will demonstrate leadership capabilities as she grows older. While a few planetary placements and aspects are shown in Madhuri Dixit’s Horoscope indicate setbacks in her career, the benefic aspects of planets reduce the ill effects. She is courageous, wealthy, and civilized in behavior. She will always be willing to help those in need of her assistance and support. She may be very kind even to the foes.
Madhuri Dixit will be somewhat strict about children but also affectionate, considerate, and deeply sentimental. She will be better off far away from home town, especially in the foreign land. She may be a nonconformist and chose the man she wishes to marry regardless of what others say. Her marriage may be held late but it will be smooth, pleasant, and happy.
Madhuri Dixit will enjoy life-long success, but with intermittent failures or delays. She will be fortunate and lucky eventually. She may succeed in whatever project she takes up diligently. She will become extremely famous, gain success and honours in her professional and public life. She may hold positions of authority in multiple fields. She may have a happy home and will get much happiness from her children. She will live long.
Madhuri Dixit ‘s Horoscope and birth chart