Astrological analysis of the horoscope of Priyanka Gandhi and astrology predictions for the year 2020.
Priyanka Gandhi’s birth star is Anuradha Nakshatra, and her Birth Rashi/Zodiac sign is Vrishchik (Scorpio), the Rashi swami or ruler of this Rashi is Mangal (Kuja).
She was born in the Mahadasha of (Jupiter) Guru in 1972. The Jupiter and Sun Rajyog is karaka or acumen of fortune prospects for wealthy richness.
Due to Mercury’s presence in Priyanka Gandhi’s birth chart, it forms a Yog condition of disorientation in her education and her inclination towards spirituality. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Buddhist studies. The Mercury in her birth chart and Jupiter placed in its own house, Dhanu Rashi is the outcome of her happy married life.
Placement of Sun and Mercury in her birth chart forms a special Yoga, which makes her a powerful and good personality. Her political involvement consists of regular visits to her mother’s and brother’s constituencies while the election campaign in Uttar Pradesh where she dealt with the people directly. She is popularly known as “Bitiya Priyanka” (referring to Daughter of the constituency)…Read More
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