Astrological analysis of the horoscope of Narendra Modi and horoscope prediction for the year 2020.
Placements of planets, the influences, aspects, and houses signify various elements of one’s life. Here is the short overview of Narendra Modi’s success from an astrological perspective. We also look at Narendra Modi’s birth chart, Narendra Modi’s Kundli, Modi’s Zodiac sign or Rashi and Narendra Modi’s nakshatra to decode the secrets of his success.
Sri. Narendra Modi’s basic birth details indicate him to be hardworking, witty, sarcastic, smart, intelligent, quiet, impulsive and sickly in childhood. His character reveals that he excels in competitions, is a good correspondent, and he may have unique marks on palms or feet. While he may have faced financial constraints in early life, the second half of his life is bound to be prosperous.
He is a man of strength, courage and willpower, he rises to positions of greatest authority and is recognized globally for his independent spirit. There is a strong indicator that Narendra Modi is a self-made individual. Saturn being the lord of his fourth house, he earns success in all his endeavors. Compared to his early life and childhood, his later life blossoms and his growth is unparalleled. He has a knack of arts and music. There are quite specific planet combinations that indicate him being quite adventurous . Read More
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