Name: P Chidambaram
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 16 September, 1945 Sunday
Time of Birth (Hr.Min.Sec) : 06:30:00 PM Standard Time
Time Zone (Hrs.Mins): 05:30 East of Greenwich
Place of Birth: Kanadukatha
Longitude&Latitude (Deg.Mins): 78.46 East, 10.09 North
Ayanamsa: Chitra Paksha = 23 Deg. 05 Min. 39Sec
Birth Star – Star Pada (Quarter): Purvashada – 3
Birth Rasi – Rasi Lord: Dhanu – Guru
P Chidambaram ‘s Horoscope and Success: Explained from an Astrological perspective
Placements of planets, specific planetary combinations, it’s aspects and influences in the horoscope indicate various events in a person’s life. Here’s a brief outlook on the success story from an astrological viewpoint, as per P. Chidambaram’s Horoscope.
He will be an imaginative person, quick-witted, and will be clever in conversation. He may also be stubborn, religious, wealthy, hardworking, well informed, ambitious, traditional, dependant, and truthful. Physically, he will have an impressive appearance. He will have many friends and will be easily envied by others. He will be handsome even in childhood. As he grows, the looks and determination will appeal to both women and men. He gives wonderful and productive advice and at the same time will criticize others. He must exercise caution in all his dealings. He should not trust anyone totally. He will also do well in politics. He will achieve the reputation of being an intellectual very early in life.
According to P. Chidambaram’s Birth Chart, throughout his life, he may get many opportunities to make money. However, he should be determined and careful. He may be more inclined to gamble or speculate in the stock market. He will likely be successful at it. He will also find great success in stock markets, shares, and industries. He will make a fortune and amass wealth. He should be careful not to be dragged or indulged into shady dealings, and criminal schemes…Read More
He will be qualified for authoritative government jobs and other honorable positions. He may never face obstacles in receiving wealth and properties. With proper guidance in childhood, he will be able to prove the abilities in any industry that needs great mental concentration. He may be often prone to disappointments and manifest signs of escapism as a way to deal with the world. Sharing feelings with good friends and taking short holidays will help.
Being an intellect with sound knowledge, people may not understand why he says or does. He will have an inborn talent for bringing peace to troubled situations. He may be a good judge, his dealings with colleagues and assistants will be highly appreciated.
P. Chidambaram’s Kundali indicates that his marriage may happen as the result of an unusual situation. However, he will have a happy married life and a loving partner. He will enjoy relief and comfort from his wife’s love and care. He will enjoy the benefits of Raja Yoga formed in P. Chidambaram’s Horoscope and will be famous. His family will support him in all his endeavors. His sons will be particularly admired by the family and social circle. He will be a proud father and will enjoy traveling with family.
He will have the opportunity to accumulate much wealth. He will be thrifty while dealing with money. He will do well financially from dealings with cars, land, or commissions. His financial fortunes may not be steady. As he aged, he may own or manage large tracts of property and many buildings. He may earn money through estates and land dealings. Throughout his life, he may convert his casual interest to professional status or make a living out of these.
P Chidambaram ‘s Horoscope and birth chart