Draupadi Murmu’s Horoscope and Success: Explained from an Astrological perspective
Draupadi Murmu was born on a Friday before sunrise which makes Thursday the astrological day of birth. This makes Draupadi a kind and compassionate person. Draupadi combines practical wisdom and a philosophical and religious approach to life in a seamless manner….Read More
Pooyam is the birth star of Draupadi Murmu. This makes Draupadi calm and pleasant as a child. Encouragement of intellectual abilities will inspire Draupadi to become a scholar. Self-confident and assured, Draupadi does not accept failure and consistently works hard.
Draupadi Murmu is independent by nature with a knowledge that far exceeds what you get out of the classroom. Draupadi is a clever conversationalist, but people may consider her self-centred. So, Draupadi has to work hard to convince others of the genuineness of her nature.
Since Draupadi Murmu was born in Thritheeya Thidhi, Draupadi is generally good-natured and values family. However, others may see her as egotistical. Birth in Gara Karana means Draupadi will develop a taste for good food that gives health and strength. Draupadi’s strategies often work out to her advantage.
Draupadi’s Nithya Yoga is Dhruva which is an indicator of a well-developed physique. Through her efforts and patience, Draupadi will create a worry-free environment for herself. There may be a little fluctuation in the state of health. Draupadi Murmu is well respected and well-liked.
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Draupadi Murmu personality
Based on the position of Lagna Draupadi Murmu is stubborn, traditional, religious, superstitious and truthful. Physically, Draupadi has an impressive appearance, is handsome, has many friends and is envied by others. Draupadi likes observances and memorials, either patriotic or religious…..Read More
Draupadi Murmu may not get everything in life. There will be many opportunities to make money. Draupadi will be extravagant and generous in the first half of her life, but after the age of
forty-five, she will become surprisingly miserly. The health of the spouse will be a cause of some concern to Draupadi
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During the second half of her life, Draupadi may become detached from worldly affairs. Murmu may seek spiritual guidance, and distance herself from the family. Draupadi will be deeply influenced by life and will experience both the wonders and sorrows of the human condition.
Draupadi Murmu will be given the authority to examine and analyze people. Though capable of tact, Draupadi can be easily provoked to anger.
Financial prosperity, thinking power and fame will be there. Draupadi gives importance to wearing good clothes and choosing good words.
Draupadi’s relationship with her parents and siblings will not be satisfactory. Even in youth, Draupadi will look beyond home for comfort and pleasure. Draupadi may resent her parents and see them as barriers to her progress and happiness. Murmu may be occasionally abrupt or rude to others.
Draupadi Murmu will be faithful to her partner. Even as a little girl Murmu will revel in assuming authority, and as an adult, become an able
administrator. Even those who know her best will be amazed by the will and intelligence of Draupadi Murmu.
Draupadi will respect family values and community traditions and is interested in philosophical discussions. Murmu has an inborn talent and taste for studies connected with humanities such as political science, psychology and metaphysics.
Draupadi will have an instinctive interest in astrology, and connected celestial and scientific developments. Capable of deep concentration, mathematics will come easy to Draupadi. She will do well where logical ability is effectively utilized.
Draupadi Murmu professional life
Draupadi Murmu is virtuous with a good power of speech. Murmu believes in honesty and conducts herself well. Draupadi will have clean habits and will be very particular about bathing, worship and meditation. A keen interest in cultural and social organizations is seen….Read More
Draupadi Murmu will be good at commercial exploitation of art and culture and may work in the tourism department. Murmu will be closely associated with a lady in power and will be unhappy if she is closely supervised on the job. Draupadi prefers general guidance and expects to be left alone.
Professions requiring qualities such as bravery, tenacity and endurance are well suited for Draupadi. Murmu will lean toward spirituality and may disseminate religious teachings. Murmu will be involved in setting up charitable institutions. Those in authority will honour Draupadi for her competence and trustworthiness.
Draupadi Murmu career
Draupadi Murmu is a very creative woman who likes charity and helping the poor. Multitasking will be a part of the career of Draupadi. As a workaholic person, Draupadi will deal with the masses and solve their issues without letting them create any friction in her personal life….Read More
Draupadi Murmu may be known as a teacher at work. Murmu can also be involved in law and administration and sectors, preaching and philosophy, as well as counselling. Murmu may work with a lot of females and will be dealing with money and material assets.
Draupadi Murmu excels when given the freedom to improvise and dislikes supervision. Draupadi has to be very careful with colleagues. They may be judgemental towards her and create hurdles in her way. Murmu has to be careful with her activities for self-promotion.
Draupadi has to be very calculative regarding her career. There will be enough opportunities to improve career-wise. There are some struggles at work. Draupadi may get enough chances to move to various countries. It may be her decision to choose which one.
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Draupadi career yogas
Amala Yoga – Born with Amala Yoga, Draupadi Murmu will be able to generate goodwill in people. Draupadi’s influence will be felt and remembered. Draupadi will be respected and noticed for her generosity and purity of spirit. Murmu’s character will be above reproach.
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Bhadra Yoga – As a result of Bhadra Yoga, Draupadi Murmu will be a dignified woman with a great deal of serious charm. Draupadi will be strong in every way. She is instinctively helpful to others and truly interested in their well-being. Draupadi’s life span is over 80 years.
Parijata Yoga – This is a kind of Raj yoga. This yoga gives Draupadi Murmu a happy and satisfied life, especially during the latter part. Draupadi will get honour from the rules and may be closely associated with them.
Swaveeryaddhana Yoga – This yoga is an indication of Draupadi Murmu making money through her effort. Draupadi will get many opportunities to make money. Altogether, this yoga helps Draupadi to be financially independent. She will be known as a rich woman.
Raja Yoga – Draupadi will rise to positions of power and authority.
Draupadi Murmu doshas
Kuja Dosha is seen in the horoscope of Draupadi Murmu. Boldness and energy will take Draupadi to trouble. Draupadi should manage her temper, otherwise, there will be conflicts. Personal pleasures will be hard to come by.
Rahu Dosha in the horoscope may hinder support from relatives during tough situations. Personal desires are less likely to get fulfilled. Draupadi may have to face many allegations. Children’s health may be in trouble.
Ketu Dosha will bring many obstacles in life. Conflict with authorities is likely. Many adversities have to be overcome. Draupadi may be loose with her words which can cause rifts in relationships. There may be tensions in life.
The birth star of Draupadi Murmu is Pooyam whose doshas make her inert to compromises. This may impede the achievement of life objectives. To fulfil them, Murmu may have to take a strong stand.
The lord of the birth sign Karkatakam is Moon. Draupadi Murmu may experience delays in coping with the realities of life. She may be careless with the usage of words. Murmu may have to overlook personal preferences in domestic life.
Read more about Doshas in Kundli
Draupadi Murmu’s Horoscope and birth chart