What’s your nakshatra? Find your unique nakshatra characteristics by your birth star! The nakshatras/birth stars discussing here are,

- Chitra Nakshatra
- Location: 23.20 Virgo to 6.40 Libra
- Ruler: Mars
- Deity: Vishwakarma (the celestial architect of the universe)
- Symbol: Jewel
- Animal: Female Tiger
- Lucky color: Black
- Ruling Deity of Mars: Muruga
- Gender: Female
- Gana: Rakshasa
- Guna: Tamasic
- Chitra nakshatra characteristics: They are intelligent, skillful, social, attractive and born leaders
- Famous personalities born in Chitra nakshatra: George Bush, Sidney Poitier
- Chitra nakshatra Male, Female characteristics: The males born in this nakshatra are intelligent, hard-working, love a peaceful environment, and possess strong intuition.
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- Swati Nakshatra
- Location: 6.40 Libra to 20.00 Libra
- Ruler: Rahu (signifies hidden potential)
- Deity: Vaayu (the God of wind bestows strong yet gentle nature)
- Symbol: Coral, young sprout blowing in the wind
- Animal: Male Buffalo
- Lucky color: Black
- Ruling Deity of Rahu: Durga
- Gender: Female
- Gana: Deva
- Guna: Tamasic
- Swati nakshatra characteristics: They are compassionate, soft-spoken, merciful, independent, and expect positive outcomes.
- Swati nakshatra famous personalities: Charlie Chaplin, James Dean, Nelson Rockefeller
- Swati nakshatra Male, Female characteristics: The males of this nakshatra are peaceful by nature, hard-working, and extremely intelligent. They aren’t short-tempered, but when angry, it becomes difficult to control them.
- Vishakha Nakshatra
- Location: 20.00 Libra to 3.20 Scorpio
- Ruler: Jupiter
- Deity: Indra (the God of Transformation), Agni (the God of Fire)
- Symbol: Decorated Arch, Potter’s wheel
- Animal: Male Tiger
- Lucky color: Golden
- Ruling Deity of Jupiter: Shiva
- Gender: Female
- Gana: Rakshasa
- Guna: Satwic
- Vishakha Nakshatra characteristics: They have immense strength and potential and are skilled at making money.
- Vishakha nakshatra famous personalities: Jimmy Carter, Alexander the Great, Elizabeth Taylor
- Vishakha Nakshatra Male, Female characteristics: The males of this nakshatra are full of energy and intelligence, and are always truthful and honest in their dealings. They have great speaking skills which makes them a great orator and fit for politics.
- Anuradha Nakshatra
- Location: 3.20 Scorpio to 16.00 Scorpio
- Ruler: Saturn
- Deity: Mitra (the Sun God that bestows the ability to develop and sustain friendships)
- Symbol: Lotus
- Animal: Female Deer or Hare
- Lucky color: Reddish Brown
- Ruling Deity of Saturn: Hanuman
- Gender: Male
- Gana: Deva
- Guna: Tamasic
- Anuradha Nakshatra characteristics: They are fun-loving, love traveling
- Anuradha nakshatra famous personalities: Steve Allen, Kevin Costner, Alex Haley
- Anuradha nakshatra Male, Female characteristics: The males in this nakshatra come with great looks, and the aptitude to handle difficult situations with ease. They are hard-working and are prone to succeed in business.
- Jyeshta Nakshatra
- Location: 16.00 Scorpio to 30.00 Scorpio
- Ruler: Mercury
- Deity: Indra (the King of Gods that gives a shrewd and courageous nature)
- Symbol: Umbrella, Earring or disc, Amulet (represents the energies of Lord Vishnu and Mercury)
- Animal: Male Deer or Rabbit
- Lucky color: Cream
- Ruling Deity of Mercury: Vishnu
- Gender: Female
- Gana: Rakshasa
- Guna: Satwic
- Jyeshta Nakshatra characteristics: They have brilliant and analytical abilities and are generally cheerful and virtuous.
- Jyeshta nakshatra famous personalities: Albert Einstein, Mozart, Tiger Woods
- Jyeshta Nakshatra Male, Female characteristics: The males are pure-minded, sober in nature. hard-working and sincere individuals. Their hard-working nature helps them progress faster in their professional career.
- Moola Nakshatra
- Location: 0.00 to 13.20 Sagittarius
- Ruler: Ketu
- Deity: Nirriti (brings the energy of loss and destruction)
- Symbol: Roots (a whole bunch tied together)
- Animal: Male Dog
- Lucky color: Bright Yellow
- Ruling Deity of Ketu: Ganesha
- Gender: Neuter
- Gana: Rakshasa
- Guna: Tamasic
- Moola nakshatra characteristics: They are inquisitive and have a philosophical nature, are overconfident and have firm and fixed opinions.
- Moola nakshatra famous personalities: Dalai Lama, Judy Garland, Billy Graham
- Moola nakshatra Male, Female characteristics: Males born in Moola nakshatra have an amiable nature, prefer peaceful nature, have strong values and stick to them. They live in the present but are careless about their financial reserves. Their skills in multiple domains make them unstable on the professional front.
- Purva Ashadha Nakshatra
- Location: 13.20 Sagittarius to 26.40 Sagittarius
- Ruler: Venus
- Deity: Apas (brings a strong connection with the element of water)
- Symbol: Fan, Elephant Tusk, Basket
- Animal: Male Monkey
- Lucky color: Black
- Ruling Deity of Venus: Lakshmi
- Gender: Female
- Gana: Manushya
- Guna: Rajasic
- Purva Ashadha nakshatra characteristics: They are proud in nature, and have a strong attachment to friends with an agreeable spouse
- Purva Ashadha nakshatra famous personalities: Adolf Hitler, Ernest Hemingway, Aishwarya Rai
- Purva Ashadha nakshatra Male, Female characteristics: The males are highly intelligent, are usually impulsive and argumentative. They can excel in any field, but a medical professional like a doctor suits them the best. They are also known to be interested in occult philosophy.
- Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra
- Location: 26.40 Sagittarius to 10 Capricorn
- Ruler: Sun
- Deity: Vishwadevas (the sons of Lord Dharma)
- Symbol: Tusk, planks of the bed
- Animal: Male Mongoose
- Lucky color: Copper
- Ruling Deity of Sun: Shiva
- Gender: Female
- Gana: Manushya
- Guna: Satwic
- Uttara Ashadha nakshatra characteristics: People of this nakshatra are obedient, grateful, are trained in the rules of virtue and believe in returning favors
- Uttara Ashadha nakshatra famous personalities: Abraham Lincoln, Ernest Hemingway, Brad Pitt
- Uttara Ashadha nakshatra Male, Female characteristics: The males of this nakshatra are soft-spoken, pure-hearted, and innocent. They are known to respect everyone despite their professional achievements.
- Shravana Nakshatra
- Location: 10 Capricorn to 23.20 Capricorn
- Ruler: Moon
- Deity: Vishnu (the preserver of the Universe)
- Symbol: 1000 Stars, An ear, three footprints in an uneven row
- Animal: Female Monkey
- Lucky color: Light Blue
- Ruling Deity of Moon: Parvati
- Gender: Male
- Gana: Deva
- Guna: Rajasic
- Shravana nakshatra characteristics: They are highly learned, wealthy, famous and have a liberal-minded spouse
- Shravana nakshatra famous personalities: Henry Ford, Bruce Willis, Muhammad Ali
- Shravana nakshatra Male, Female characteristics: Males born in this nakshatra are soft-spoken and methodical in their work. They have a firm belief in God and tend to spend most of their career at the middle level.
- Dhanishta Nakshatra
- Location: 23.20 Capricorn to 6.40 Aquarius
- Ruler: Mars
- Deity: 8 Vasus (the Solar Gods of energy and light)
- Symbol: Musical drum or flute
- Animal: Female Lion
- Lucky color: Silver Grey
- Ruling Deity of Mars: Muruga
- Gender: Female
- Gana: Rakshasa
- Guna: Tamasic
- Dhanishta nakshatra characteristics: They are liberal, wealthy and individuals who are fond of music
- Dhanishta nakshatra famous personalities: Marilyn Monroe, Woody Allen, Princess Diana
- Dhanishta nakshatra Male, Female characteristics: Males of this nakshatra are intelligent and possess great general knowledge. They are vindictive, are highly patient, and are good at keeping secrets. They are skilled in oratory skills and intelligence.
- Shatabhisha Nakshatra
- Location: 6.40 Aquarius to 20.00 Aquarius
- Ruler: Rahu
- Deity: Varuna (the Lord of Rain)
- Symbol: Empty Circle (indicates the ability to explore mysteries and philosophies of the unknown)
- Animal: Female Horse or Mare
- Lucky color: Blue Green
- Ruling Deity of Rahu: Durga
- Gender: Neuter
- Gana: Rakshasa
- Guna: Tamasic
- Shatabhisha Nakshatra characteristics: They are independent, truthful, and thoughtlessly engaged in work.
- Shatabhisha nakshatra famous personalities: Robin Williams, Elvis Presley
- Shatabhisha Nakshatra Male, Female characteristics: The males of Shatabhisha nakshatra don’t hesitate to sacrifice their self-interests to stand by their principles. They are usually intelligent, but emotional too. They are suitable for careers in astrology, psychology, reiki, and other healing arts.
- Purva Bhadra Nakshatra
- Location: 20.00 Aquarius to 3.20 Pisces
- Ruler: Jupiter
- Deity: Aja Ekapada (the one-footed God)
- Symbol: Front legs of a funeral cot (indicates a strong connection to the element of fire), Two-faced man
- Animal: Male Lion
- Lucky color: Silver Grey
- Ruling Deity of Jupiter: Shiva
- Gender: Male
- Gana: Manushya
- Guna: Satwic
- Purva Bhadra nakshatra characteristics: They are intelligent scholars and are highly skilled at making money
- Purva Bhadra nakshatra famous personalities: Martin Luther King, Madam Curie, Michael Jackson
- Purva Bhadra nakshatra Male, Female characteristics: The males born in this nakshatra are usually peace-loving, but flare up occasionally. They are intelligent and have great business acumen.
- Uttara Bhadra Nakshatra
- Location: 3.20 Pisces to 16.40 Pisces
- Ruler: Saturn
- Deity: Ahirbudhnya (Gives the desire to examine things at depth and explore the kundalini energy)
- Symbol: Water-Snake, Two back legs of the funeral cot
- Animal: Female Cow
- Lucky color: Purple
- Ruling Deity of Saturn: Hanuman
- Gender: Male
- Gana: Manushya
- Guna: Tamasic
- Uttara Bhadra Nakshatra characteristics: They are happy people, eloquent speakers, virtuous by nature and thus are able to conquer their enemies
- Uttara Bhadra nakshatra famous personalities: Bill Gates, Hilary Clinton, Indira Gandhi
- Uttara Bhadra Nakshatra Male, Female characteristics: The males of this nakshatra don’t discriminate between the high/low social standing of a person since they have a pure heart. They are learned individuals who possess great wisdom and are also a great orator. They are self-educated and prefer getting involved in fine arts.
- Revati Nakshatra
- Location: 16.40 Pisces to 30.00 Pisces
- Ruler: Mercury
- Deity: Pushan (provides nourishment & has the ability to shine a light on an individual’s life)
- Symbol: Fish swimming in the sea, drum
- Animal: Female Elephant
- Lucky color: Brown
- Ruling Deity of Mercury: Vishnu, along with his consort Lakshmi
- Gender: Female
- Gana: Deva
- Guna: Satwic
- Revati nakshatra characteristics: They have perfect limbs, possess deep learning, are rich and doesn’t covet others’ property
- Revati nakshatra famous personalities: Whitney Houston, Rabindranath Tagore
- Revati nakshatra Male, Female characteristics: The males born in the Revati nakshatra are soft-spoken, sincere in their dealings, lead an independent life, and jump at every opportunity to perform a task often leading to failures. They are inclined towards historical research especially in cultures, astrology, and astronomy
- Revathi nakshatra female characteristics include the signs of being headstrong, dominating by nature, yet a little god-fearing and superstitious. They are educated in fine arts or mathematics and are suitable for roles such as public relations officer or as a high diplomat in the political arena.
My daughter name is Aadhya Sachdeva and her DOB is 7th June 2016. Please suggest auspicious time and day for ear piercings
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My baby named Aaradhya was born on 1st Dec 2018. I need to know a good date for her ear piercing in the month of june.
Please take the help of our expert astrologers to find the exact timings. https://www.clickastro.com/astrology-consultancy?ref=cablog
My Daughter Ear piercing planned to be in Aug / Sep 2019.
Can you please suggest the dates.
S Jahnavi- DOB 30-OCT-2014
B, Senthil Kumar – 99400 51365
Please take the help of our expert astrologers to find the exact timings. https://www.clickastro.com/astrology-consultancy?ref=cablog