Upapada Lagna
Upapada Lagna is a significant concept in Vedic astrology, specifically in the branch of Jaimini astrology. It is derived from the Sanskrit words “Upa” meaning near or next to, and “Lagna” referring to the
Ascendant or the first house in a
birth chart.
In Jaimini astrology, Upapada Lagna is considered as an important indicator of marriage and relationships. It represents the Arudha Pada of the 12th house in a birth chart. The 12th house in Vedic astrology signifies loss, expenses, foreign lands, and also the nature of the spouse or partner. The Upapada Lagna helps in understanding the dynamics and characteristics of one’s marriage or partnerships.
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The placement of planets and aspects on the Upapada Lagna and its lord can provide insights into the nature of relationships, the qualities and characteristics of the spouse, and the potential for marriage or partnerships in one’s life.
It is an essential factor to consider in analyzing
marital compatibility and understanding the dynamics of relationships in Vedic astrology.
Upapada lagna is nothing but the Arudha lagna of the 12th house.
To calculate the Upapada Lagna (UL), you need to follow these steps:
- Determine the position of the 12th house lord in the birth chart. The 12th house lord is the planet that rules the 12th house in the birth chart.
- Identify the sign occupied by the 12th house lord. Note down the sign
- Count the same number of signs from the position of the 12th house lord. For the 12th sign is Taurus and it is ruled by Venus. If Venus is in Leo, which is 4 signs from Leo. Count 4 signs from Leo, then we will reach Scorpio
- So, Scorpio is the Upapada Lagna
- If your Upapada Lagna is in the 6th house from lagna, then it will be 7th from the 12th. In that case, you need to count back to the 12th house from the 6th and you will reach the 12th house, so the sign ruling the 12th house will be your upapada lagna.
- If your 12th lord is in the 12th house, then the 12th house itself will be your Upapada lagna.
Remember that the Upapada Lagna is a sensitive point in the birth chart and is used primarily in
Vedic astrology for understanding marital matters and relationships. It can provide insights into one’s spouse and the dynamics of marriage.
There are different aspects of marriage and relationships that we can analyze. It’s important to understand these points to have a clear understanding of what we’re looking at.
In astrology, the planets Venus and
Jupiter represent relationships. If these planets are negatively influenced, it can indicate problems in finding a healthy relationship. The placement of these
planets in the birth chart and the divisional chart called “navamsa” can reveal overall tendencies towards relationships.
The “Darakaraka” planet represents the soul of the partner and gives insights into the person’s nature and related issues. The 7th house in the birth chart indicates how you interact with others and how you relate to the public. This house is also associated with Venus, which is the planet of love. Your love partner is someone who you relate to the most and who reflects you the most.
The condition of the 7th lord in the birth chart shows the physical aspects of the relationship and whether it will be successful or not. The “A7” is connected to business partners and sexual relationships. The 7th house in the divisional chart called “navamsa” reveals the skills, abilities, and general nature of the partner, which takes precedence over the 7th house in the birth chart. It also indicates the partner’s sexual tendencies.
The “Upapada” represents the marriage partner or a serious relationship. It reveals the nature of the family the person comes from, how people will relate to each other, and whether the relationship will last. It also provides insights into the number of children that may come from that relationship compared to previous relationships. The timing of marriage and its potential end can be determined using the Upapada.
The ruler of the Upapada (UL lord) indicates the nature of the partner’s family and often reflects the partner’s status as well.
To understand the 12th house better, we need to look at the UL (Upapada Lagna), which represents it. The Upapada is the image of the 12th house and shows who you give to. The 12th house represents what you give physically, intellectually, and where you give your energy. It can indicate places like jails, hospitals, ashrams, and losses, as well as pleasures, sleep, and the bed you sleep on. Benefic planets in the 12th house indicate giving to good things, while malefic planets indicate giving to negative things. When certain houses are 12th from the Sun, it indicates a lack of ability to give life.
The 12th house is associated with loss and giving, and its Arudha shows who you give to the most, usually your spouse and children. Marriage occurs when you start earning and are able to give. Giving can be financial support or taking care of a home. If there is no giving, a relationship cannot be sustained. The 7th house, which is the 8th from the 12th house, represents marriage and removes the sense of being alone. The 12th house represents celibacy, and the 7th house ends that and leads to marriage. The 7th house also indicates the duration of celibacy. The A7 (Arudha of the 7th house) is used to see the sexual partner and relations, not the UL.
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The UL represents the illusion of the ascendant, while the UL represents the illusion of the 12th house. It shows something tangible that is being given or lost. The UL indicates who will contribute to the longevity of your family. As the 12th house is 6th from the 7th, it shows who supports the growth of sexual activities and helps cultivate intimacy. In astrology, this is seen as the marriage partner, and the lord of the UL represents the partner’s family.
Marriage is defined as a serious committed relationship lasting for more than a year. The Upapada indicates natural marriage, not what a religious or legal ceremony might define. There are various types of marriages mentioned in ancient texts, but they should not be taken literally in modern times. The UL can help differentiate between different marriage partners.
The first partner is seen from the UL, the second partner from the 8th house from the UL (UL2), and so on. Determining the exact partner can be challenging, especially in modern society where relationships may vary in seriousness. The nature of each partner is seen from different houses in the navamsa chart.
In cases of multiple marriage partners, the UL2 is seen 6th from the first UL. Additional partners are seen from the 6th house from that significator. The 8th house indicates the end of the previous relationship. The 6th house represents growth and shows the expansion of giving (expenditure).
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In Chapter 32 of Brihat Parasara Hora sastra, Sage Parasara has given a detailed analysis of Upapada lagna. However, we should check the Upapada after checking the lagna and Navamsa