Study of numbers—Numerology explained
In the Harry Potter series, Hermione Granger’s favorite subject is ‘arithmancy’. The series doesn’t offer much detail on what arithmancy is, other than that what she says—”predicting the future with numbers.” Arithmancy involves the magical properties of numbers. In the stories, Hermione uses complex charts to perform divine acts like predicting the future using numbers. In the real world, Hermione’s passion goes by the name ‘Numerology’. According to numerologists, everything in the world carries in it a certain vibration unique to that object. Each number from 1 to 9 also denotes specific frequencies. These vibrations of variant frequencies result in each item developing a particular relation with numbers. Correspondingly, this relationship between the object and the number further helps explore the unique traits of the object. Get your FREE numerology report now!ONE | 1 | Individuality and strength |
TWO | 2 | Cooperation as it bends, moody |
THREE | 3 | Its curves say that I am creative |
FOR | 4 | Down to earth and consistent builder |
FIVE | 5 | flexible and open to new ideas, stubborn |
SIX | 6 | Love, beauty, and responsibility |
SEVEN | 7 | A torchbearer will show the way to things undiscovered |
EIGHT | 8 | A balance between the material and spiritual world |
NINE | 9 | Risen above you & me. It is not about me, my family, my money. It is about us. The whole world is my family. |
- 1- A, I, J, Q, Y
- 2 – B, C, K, R
- 3 – G, L, A
- 4 – D, M, T
- 5 – N, E
- 6 – U, V, W, X
- 7 – O, Z
- 8 – F, H, P
- 1 – Leader
- 2 – Teacher
- 3 – Artist
- 4 – Builder
- 5 – Entertainer,
- 6 – Homemaker
- 7 – Mystic
- 8 – Worker
- 9 – Humanist
What answers can numerology give me?
Vedic astrology considers the moon to be the most crucial factor for analyzing an individual’s inner self, the mind, and the soul. It uses the terms Rahu and Ketu to indicate the ascending and descending nodes of the moon, respectively. These nodes also indicate the points where the orbit of the Sun and Moon intersect. Rahu and Ketu used to be considered planets in Vedic numerology. Numerology is, first and foremost, a self-help tool; it reveals your character and your life as a whole. Your numerology cycle indicates the opportunities, obstacles, joys, and troubles that arise throughout different periods of your life. It can also play a part in how you handle each situation.Can numerology define relationship compatibility?
Yes, it can. It can define relationship compatibility on a monthly and yearly basis. Free Numerology Report. Get Now!Can numerology predict health problems, financial difficulties, accidents, and other potential problems?
Numerology can both predict and have an impact on your future. Specific cycles do point towards a possibility of certain kinds of experiences at particular periods of your life. It can be bad events such as accidents, money problems, divorce, and the like. In the same way, numerology can foretell many festive events too. However, at such times, it is up to the person to either turn the course of events in his/her favor or to let a beautiful opportunity slide by. Numerology can indicate, for example, that a certain period of your life will be highly rewarding, as in a period where your hard work through the years finally reap benefits. Numerology can be very accurate in such predictions. However, the rewards will depend on the effort gone into how a person tackles the situation. In the same way, numerology reveals periods of life where ideas are sowed, and ideologies are harvested. If it is the seeds of selfishness and greed that you have sown, you will have to experience the resulting time of loss, which can be financial loss, or losing the support of others.Sanjay Kapila
Vedic Astrologer & Numerologue
+91 9914933063

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