Birth details of Shruti Haasan
Name: Shruti Haasan
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 28 January 1986 Tuesday
Time of Birth (Hr.Min.Sec):00:00:00 PM Standard Time
Time Zone (Hrs.Mins): 05:30 East of Greenwich
Place of Birth: Chennai
Longitude &Latitude (Deg.Mins): 80.16 East, 13.4 North
Ayanamsa: Chitra Paksha = 23 Deg. 39 Min. 36 Sec.
Birth Star – Star Pada (Quarter): Makha – 4
Birth of Rasi – Rasi Lord: Simha – Surya
Lagna (Ascendant) – Lagna Lord: Mesha – Kuja
Thidhi (Lunar Day): Thritheeya, Krishnapaksha
The first house of the horoscope represents the personality characteristics, physical structure, status and fame of the person. Based on the position of Lagna the following characteristics may be predicted about one’s personality. Shruti Haasan will be independent, courageous, sensitive to the feelings of others. She will be distrustful of relatives, quick-tempered, proud, interested in legality and logic and scientifically inclined.
>>>>> Get your personalised horoscope for free <<<<She will possess a very enterprising, ambitious and adventurous nature. She will be a good planner, keenly observer and she will be stubborn, not receptive to criticism, frank and open, strong-willed,practical, tactless. Shruti Haasan will be interested in beauty, grace and good food, the excitement of argument. Physically she will be a medium build with sharp eye-sight, long face, and neck. She will have a mark or scar on the head or temples along with round eyes, weak legs, and joints.
Since her Lagna lies in the second Drekkana of its house. She will be keenly interested in amassing wealth, but here horoscope shows that she will be naturally cautious. Financially, the important years in her life are 20, 24, 29, 36, 47, 56 and 61.
Since the ascendant lord is in the 8th, she will prove to have an interest and an aptitude for academics. She will do well in her chosen field, even though she may have breaks in her education or career. If Shruti looks after her health and attends to problems as soon as they occur, she will be quite healthy. She will have a tendency to gamble, but will not do well at it.
>>>>> Get your personalised horoscope for free <<<<She will be interested in the spirit world, or in the occult. Shruti may, at some point, be tempted to participate in shady ventures. During a brief period in life, Shruti will experience a series of unfortunate and unavoidable events. She will do well by focusing her attention on spirituality, art or philosophy.
As Rahu is in the first house, she will be strong but appear weak. If she has children, they will probably be born late in her life. Lagna lord is positioned in own house, which indicates that she will rise to positions of power and authority. Land and properties, wealth, family, speech, food and skills are some of the important topics highlighted by the second house in a horoscope.
As the 2nd lord is in the 10th house she will be scrupulous and educated. Shruti will have a variety of interests. She will have an earthy physicality. She will participate in a variety of activities. Since Sun and the second lord are positioned in the same house, she will not hesitate to utilize her knowledge and wealth for the benefit of the people and the world in general.
Since Mercury and the second lord are positioned together, she can earn a name in fields related to literature, arts as well as mathematics. Since the second lord and the fifth lord are in conjunction, there are chances of gaining wealth through progeny. The fourth house of her horoscope refers to property, education, mother, vehicles, and general happiness.
As the 4th lord is in the 5th, she will be good at maintaining good relationships with men. She will learn well from her mother’s guidance. As an adult, she will probably make her own money.As the Moon is the lord of the 4th house, she may have a wavering mind. She will need and get support from her father, husband or boss. As a girl, she will do well in school. She will have a good career potential. She will finally get a husband who understands her well.
Apart from the above, she will be happy to note that there is a beneficial influence of Jupiter on the fourth lord and this reduces any bad effects predicted otherwise. The eighth house gives indications regarding longevity, medical treatment, and other difficulties.
Since the 8th lord is in the 8th, longevity can be expected. Shruti will have to face criticism or scandal. Her spouse or lover will either be wealthy or will help her to become wealthy. Shruti’s father will have had to pass through a crisis early in life.
>>>>> Get your personalised horoscope for free <<<<Those who are jealous of her progress will try and undermine her in any way possible. But she will have the courage and ability to successfully withstand all this with the goodwill and active support of Shruti’s partner. She will have plenty of self-control. Don’t do anything hasty or rash. People wonder how she manages to come out of the worst situation looking good and feeling great.
Shruti’s 8th house is occupied by Mars. She may feel that she is being misunderstood. Since the eighth lord is positioned in the eighth house itself, there are no negative indications regarding longevity.