Sankashti Chaturthi also known as Sankat Hara Chaturthi is observed every lunar month of the Hindu calendar on the fourth day of the waning moon also known as Krishna Paksha. This is an auspicious day dedicated to Lord Ganesha, the Lord of Knowledge and Fortune. When Chaturthi falls on a Tuesday, it is known as Angarki Sankashti Chaturthi, and is the most important of all Sankashti Chaturthi days. Sankashti Chaturthi fast was first observed around 700 BC as a ritual to remove obstacles related to conflicting views of confidence.

Sankashti Chaturthi is observed in both Northern and Southern India. The Sanskrit word “Sankashti” means “deliverance from difficult times.” Sankashti Chaturdashi is celebrated elaborately and lavishly in Maharashtra. On Sankashti Chaturthi, devotees worship Lord Ganesha in order to overcome all obstacles and emerge triumphantly from difficult situations.

The Might of Lord Ganesha

One of the most recognisable deities in the world is Lord Ganesha. If you want your journey to be smooth and stress-free, pray to Him. Devotees believe Lord Ganesha accomplishes this by bestowing wisdom on his devotees and acting as the energy that propels them forward in their fight against challenges. Lord Ganesha, as an embodiment of virtue, is also known to bestow health, happiness, and wealth on his devotees.

Wishes are granted by Lord Ganesha on the day of Sankashti Chaturthi. Devotees all over the world fast and perform rituals to invoke his favour. Lord Ganesha is also popular among female devotees. They see in him a force in which they have faith, and they hope that he will protect their families from the harsh realities of life.

Sankashti Chaturthi Every Monthindepth horoscope

Sankashti Chaturthi, which is observed every lunar month, places a strong emphasis on the sighting of the Moon and offering Arghya to the Moon. Every month on this day, Lord Ganesha is worshipped with different peetas (Lotus petals) and names. There are a total of 13 vrat or fasts, each with its own story and purpose. The first twelve Vrats are for the twelve months of the year, and the final one is for ‘adhika maas’ or the extra month that occurs every four years in a Hindu calendar.

Every vrat and every story is unique to the specific month and recited only during that period. This day is considered to be highly auspicious since it is the day Lord Shiva declared that his son Lord Ganesha was to be the most superior among all gods, apart from Parvati, Lakshmi, and Vishnu. It was from this point that Lord Ganesha or Sankashti began being worshipped as the lord of prosperity, good fortune, and freedom. Sankashti Chaturthi’s significance and Sankashti Chaturthi ki Kahani has been mentioned in many ancient manuscripts, notably the Bhavishya Purana and Narasimha Purana, while it was also explained by Lord Krishna to Yudhishthira in the Mahabharata.

Sankashti Chaturthi Vrat and Puja Rituals

The Sankat Chaturthi vrat Vidhi is performed in the evening. An important ritual in this is the sighting of the Moon in the evening.

Durva grass and flowers are used to decorate an idol of Lord Ganesha. While doing so, appropriate Vedic mantras are recited.

Following that, the devotees read and follow the spiritual context of the vrat katha for that month.

The fast is then broken after worshipping Lord Ganesha and viewing the moon. Devotees eat foods that are traditionally thought to be Lord Ganesha’s favourites. Modaks and other sweets are among them.

Because Sankashti Chaturthi is also a Moon festival, it entails sprinkling water, sandalwood paste, and consecrated rice in the direction of the Moon. It is also beneficial to recite the mantra:

Vakra-Tunndda Maha-Kaaya Suurya-Kotti Samaprabha I

Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryessu Sarvadaa II

In addition, devotees also chant the Ganesha Ashtotram and Sankashtnashana stothra.

Sankashti Chaturthi Fasting Procedure

Sankashti Chaturthi fasting procedure is observed for the well-being of the entire family. The fast is usually observed from the morning and broken in the evening once prayers to Lord Ganesh are finished, and various offerings are made to the Moon. It is advised that individuals keeping the fast refrain from regular food. Instead, there is a list of items that can be consumed during this time. Sabudana khichdi, fruits, peanuts, potatoes, and unsalted chips are all permitted.

Sankashti Chaturthi Dates and Timings for 2025

January 17, 2025, Friday Sakat Chauth, Lambodara Sankashti Chaturthi Chaturthi Tithi Timings:  From 04:06 AM Jan 17 to 05:30 AM on Jan 18
February 16, 2025, Sunday Dwijapriya Sankashti Chaturthi Chaturthi Tithi Timings: From 11:52 PM Feb 15 to 02:16 AM Feb 17
March 18, 2025, Tuesday Bhalachandra Sankashti Chaturthi Chaturthi Tithi Timings: From 07:33 PM Mar 17 to 10:09 PM Mar 18
April 17, 2025, Thursday Vikata Sankashti Chaturthi Chaturthi Tithi Timings: From 01:17 PM Apr 16 to 03:23 PM Apr 17
May 16, 2025, Friday Ekadanta Sankashti Chaturthi Chaturthi Tithi Timings: From 04:03 AM May 16 to  05:13 AM May 17
June 15, 2025, Sunday Krishnapingala Sankashti Chaturthi Chaturthi Tithi Timings: From 03:47 PM Jun 14 to  03:51 PM Jun 15
July 14, 2025, Monday Gajanana Sankashti Chaturthi Chaturthi Tithi Timings: From 01:02 AM Jul 14 to 11:59 PM Jul 14
August 12, 2025, Tuesday Bahula Chaturthi, Heramba Sankashti Chaturthi Chaturthi Tithi Timings: From 08:41 AM Aug 12 to 06:36 AM Aug 13
September 11, 2025, Thursday Vighnaraja Sankashti Chaturthi Chaturthi Tithi Timings:  From 03:38 PM Sep 10 to 12:45 PM Sep 11
October 10, 2025, Friday Karwa Chauth, Vakratunda Sankashti Chaturthi Chaturthi Tithi Timings: From 10:54 PM Oct 9 To 07:38 PM Oct 10
November 08, 2025, Saturday Ganadhipa Sankashti Chaturthi Chaturthi Tithi Timings: From 07:32 AM Nov 8 to 04:25 AM Nov 9
December 08, 2025, Monday Akhuratha Sankashti Chaturthi Chaturthi Tithi Timings: From 06:25 PM Dec 7 to 04:03 PM Dec 8

Sankashti Chaturthi and Vinayaka Chaturthi

A lunar month is two fortnights long. These fortnights are divided into a dark half and a bright half. The dark half is called the Krishna Paksha, whereas the brighter half is called Shukla Paksha. The Chaturthi that falls in the Krishna Paksha is called Sankashti Chaturthi, and the Chaturthi that falls in the bright half or Shukla Paksha is called Vinayaka Chaturthi.

Even the fasting during these two Chaturthi is done for different purposes. The Sankashti Chaturthi vrat is observed for deliverance from tough times, whereas the Vinayaka Chaturthi fast is merely a salutation to Lord Ganesha.

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