Importance of the Planet MARS in Astrology

Planet Mars has attracted not only astrology enthusiasts but everyone including scientists and Scientologists. Even though scientists of the twentieth century have proven that Mars is red, this description is there in many Vedic texts. Sage Para Sara, Varahamihira has clearly stated that Mars is red and it is the planet for action, passion, and wars. In all branches of astrology, Planet Mars is known as the warrior of the zodiac. Mars is also known as the red planet.
Since Mars indicates passion and action, Mars indicates the energy in us. In the planetary cabinet, Mars is known as the soldier and it executes the decisions taken by the king, Sun. When Mars is prominent in one’s chart, the person will become a sports person or soldier.
People with a prominent Mars are very direct and there is no hypocrisy in them. Whatever is there in their heart they will speak it out loud. They will keep their promises despite the adverse situation. Such people will try to satisfy themselves. They are known as egoists and self-obsessive.
They like to take up adventurous jobs; they don’t like to get into any easy job, where risk is not involved. They will take up jobs where an inner fire is involved, like surgeons, engineers, and armed forces. If Mars is bad in the horoscope, such people can even become serial killers.
If Mars becomes your Lagna lord, then you will have a very athletic physique. There will be less mass, but you will have a lot of energy and enthusiasm. Mars-ruled people are known as very short-tempered. They like to overpower others and they will be going the extra mile to prove themselves.
In the Vedas, Mars is known as the son of Earth or Bhumi, so Mars is also the indicator of land and real estate deals. There are multiple stories connected to Mars in Vedas. In one such story, Mars is the son of Shiva and Bhumi. Shiva was doing the celestial dance Tandav and a drop of sweat fell from his body. Then Bhumi took that drop of sweat in her and Mars is the result of that sweat. Mars is also known as Lohitanga. It has another name, Angaraka.
In the natural zodiac wheel, Mars rules two signs – Aries and Scorpio. Mars has 108 names in astrology. It is exalted in the sign of Capricorn and debilitated in the sign of Cancer. Those people with a strong Mars will like to use red color in their daily life, like the red cloth and red accessories. It gets exalted at 28 degrees in the Capricorn sign whereas it is debilitated in Cancer at 28 degrees. Mooltrikona Rashi is Aries.
Mars is also the indicator of the 6th house in astrology because the 6th house deals with all the negative things like challenges, wars, debts, diseases, and enemies. If you are ruled by
Mars, naturally there will be a lot of opposition in your life as you are here to face the enemies.
Mars indicates a lot of things in Vedic astrology. Few of them are head, cranium area, red blood corpuscles, fever, heat, metals, fire, burns, cuts, wounds, competitions, difficulties, misunderstandings, younger siblings, iron, steel, coffee, tobacco, thorny plants, boyfriend, dogs, tiger, wolf, sportsmen, police, and sports.