The traditional Hindu community considers Ekadashi tithi to be auspicious and observes fasting for happiness, prosperity, and for a male progeny. On Ekadashi, Lord Vishnu is worshipped to absolve oneself of past sins and for the wellbeing of their children. Devotees observing partial fast eat only one meal on the day consisting of fruits and milk products. Those observing strict fastings abstain from having food throughout the day on Ekadashi. There are 24 different Ekadashi tithis in a year observed during the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of the moon) and Krishna Paksha (waning phase of the moon)

Putrada Ekadashi is observed on the 11th day of Shukla Paksha in the month of Pausha which corresponds to December or January in the Gregorian calendar. Putrada Ekadashi is observed twice a year—the Shravana Putrada Ekadashi is observed in the Shravana month of July or August and the Pausha Putrada Ekadashi is observed during December or January. ‘Putrada’ in Hindi means ‘giver of sons’. Putrada Ekadashi is mainly observed by the Vaishnava community. Couples fast on Putrada Ekadashi to get a son. The Pausha Putrada Ekadashi is celebrated with great zeal in Northern India. In some regions of South India, Pausha Putrada Ekadashi is also known as ‘Vaikunta Ekadashi’, ‘Swargavathil Ekadashi’, or ‘Mukkoti Ekadashi’. Couples worship Lord Vishnu on this day to pray for the well-being of their offspring. Devotees refrain from consuming grains, beans, cereals, and specific vegetables and spices on this day.

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Pausha Putrada Ekadashi date and timings in 2025

Sunrise on Ekadashi January 10, 2025, at 7:14 AM

Sunset on Ekadashi January 10, 2025, at 5:54 PM

Ekadashi Tithi Begins January 09, 2025, at 12:23 PM

Ekadashi Tithi Ends January 10, 2025, at 10:20 AM

Dwadashi Ends January 11, 2025, at 8:22 AM

Hari Vasara Ends January 10, 2025, at 3:50 PM

Parana Time January 11, 2025, at 7:14 AM to January 11, 2025, at 8:22 AM

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Pausha Putrada Ekadashi Puja Vidhiindepth horoscope

Mainly, women who desire to have a son observe the Pausha Putrada Ekadashi fast. Couples also pray for the well-being of their offspring. 

  • On Pausha Putrada Ekadashi day, they must rise before sunrise, and, after having a bath, may visit the temple of Lord Vishnu and do special pujas. 
  • Alternatively, they can set up an altar in the puja room of their house and decorate the altar with flowers, fruits, decorative items, and incense sticks. After conducting the Pooja and offering prasad to the deity, devotees spend the whole day chanting devotional hymns of Lord Vishnu and narrating the Vrat Katha. 
  • The puja and Jagran are conducted throughout the day and on Dwadashi day, after having a bath before sunrise; they undertake the Parana after Hari Vasara moment. 
  • The fast is undertaken for 24 hours starting from sunrise on Ekadashi day and concluding after Parana on Dwadashi day. 
  • Putrada Ekadashi day is considered to be very auspicious among the Vaishnava community and even those who do not observe the fast refrain from consuming cereals, rice, beans, grains, and certain vegetables and spices on this day. 
  • Couples who desire to have a male child often undertake the fast together. 
  • If devotees are unable to undertake a strict fast, they can observe a partial fast by consuming only fruits. 
  • Couples observing the Pausha Putrada Ekadashi fast should refrain from sleeping and perform a ‘Jagran’ by singing devotional songs in praise of Lord Vishnu as well as reciting the Vishnu Sahasranama and other Vedic Astrology mantras.
  • The fast is concluded by offering donations to the poor and needy and Brahmans.

Pausha Putrada Ekadashi dates from 2025 to 2028

  • 2025 Friday, 10th of January
  • 2026 Tuesday, 30th of December
  • 2027 Monday, 18th of January
  • 2028 Saturday, 8th of January

Significance of Pausha Putrada Ekadashi

The Hindu society considers the son as the torchbearer of the family legacy. The son is considered the ‘chirag’ or the light of the family. Hindu customs imply that it is the son who should look after his parents during old age. He is solely entitled to perform the ‘Shraddha’ rituals for his ancestors and parents post their deaths. As having a male progeny is important for Indian couples, the Putrada Ekadashi tithis are specifically observed to be blessed with a male child. Also, it is believed that the devotee observing this powerful fast is absolved of all their sins and can lead a life filled with happiness and prosperity. The ‘Bhavishya Purana’ describes the benefit of the Pausha Putrada Ekadashi to be greater than performing 100 Rajasooya Yagyas or 1000 Ashvamedha Yagyas.

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The legend of Putrada Ekadashi 

The Bhavishya Purana describes the legend behind the Putrada Ekadashi fasting. It was narrated by Lord Krishna to King Yudhishthira. According to the legend, King Suketuman ruled over the Kingdom of Bhadravati. Shaibya was his queen. The couple was childless despite being married a long time. They were worried about the continuity of the family bloodline without a child, especially a son. The thought that their souls would never rest in peace as there was no one to offer them ‘Shraddha’ after death made them desperate. Grief-stricken, the king left the kingdom to live in the forest. As he wandered for days, he saw several animals with their offspring which further deepened his pain.

After wandering for days, he reached an ashram on the banks of Lake Manasarovar on the day of Putrada Ekadashi. He spotted a few sages performing penance and approached them. The sages asked the king the reason for his sadness and he narrated his plight to them. The sages revealed themselves to be the ten divine Vishvadevas. The sages advised the king to undertake a fast on that day and follow the rituals with wholehearted devotion to Lord Vishnu. This, they assured, would ensure the king an heir to his kingdom. He took the advice of the sages and observed a strict fast on Ekadashi day and after the Parana on Dwadashi, he went back to his kingdom. Very soon, Queen Shaibya conceived, and the couple was blessed with a son who grew up to be a virtuous and courageous king.

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