Jupiter Saturn conjunction 2020
After 59 years, Saturn and Jupiter will align themselves and create rare and major conjunction in Makara Rasi from 20 November to 5 April 2021. On 21 December of this year, 16 seconds past 11:52 pm, Jupiter and Saturn will align with each other at 6°20’28” in Capricorn. This conjunction is major as Jupiter and Saturn are the biggest planets in our solar system. Their coming together is likely to cause a stir in not just our lives but also on a national and international level.
Meaning: Sorrows, money and happiness, losses, problems to relatives, children and honey, enemy issues, enjoyment, diseases, loss of money, achievements, and sorrows are the twelve results of guru transit.Sloka for guru transit
Naanaadukham, vithasamardhim, stithi
naasam, bandhuklEsam, puthradanabhim,
ripubaadhaam, bhogan, rogaan,
vithasukhaphim, dhanahaanimsthana
prapthim, dukhamayam, yachadhijeeva
Planet Jupiter
Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system, and in Indian astrology, this massive planet is called Guru. Guru takes approximately one year to transit through one rasi. That means it takes 12 years for Jupiter to complete its transit through 12 rasis. Guru is the most auspicious planet in the rasi chakra. So its position in the rasi chakra is very important for Indian astrology predictions. Astrologers say that the inconsistent speed of Guru is causing instability all over the world. Soon, Jupiter will enter its debilitated house Makara (Capricorn) on 20 November 2020.Jupiter in Puranas
Jupiter eliminates darkness and gives the light of knowledge and wisdom. For remedies, Indian astrology Lord Dakshinamoorthi represents Jupiter and offerings are given to Lord Dakshinamoorthi to get more wisdom, knowledge, success in career, blessings in the form of wealth, etc. In the Puranas, Jupiter represents the master or mentor of god Bruhaspathi. Jupiter is considered to have more divine power than any other planet in the rasi chakra. Also called Deva guru, Jupiter represents qualities like being spiritual, ability to master, teach, guide. Get 45% OFF on Jupiter Transit Report now!Significance of Jupiter in a Horoscope
The position of Guru in a horoscope is very important for a good education, the blessing of gods, mastering of literature, etc. Transit of Guru is also crucial for all. When Guru travels through unfavorable bhavas like 1st house, 3rd house, 4th house, 6th house, 8th house, 10th house, and 12th house it results in problems in education, wisdom, career, wealth, luck, etc. These factors depend only on the position and strength of Guru in a person’s horoscope. “Dheechithraangasougyamsuraguru” It means that Jupiter is a planet which blesses with the happiness of mind; want the whole world to be happy. Jupiter will not mind the small errors of people as it is auspicious. Find the importance of Jupiter in Vedic astrologyPlanet Saturn
Saturn is the next biggest planet in the solar system after Jupiter and rasi chakram. Saturn is called Shani in Indian astrology. Also, Saturn is the slowest moving planet. It takes approximately two and a half years to transit through one rasi. So, approximately, it takes 36 years to complete 12 rasis or houses.Saturn in Puranas
Mythically Shani is the son of lord Soorya and his wife Chhaya (shadow). He is the product of a strained relation. Shani represents everything that is slow-moving, lazy, servant-like, old, drainage, etc. Saturn is considered a very malefic planet in the rasi chakra. “Mruthyurvyaadheeshchadukham Sanirihadaasabhruthyaadikopeeva” Saturn represents death, ailments, sadness, labor, and anger. It is said to be a planet almost like a judge who punishes karmic errors. Hence Saturn is also termed cruel.Significance of Saturn in a Horoscope
Normally, people think that Shani gives only bad effects. People’s fear makes them think of Shani Dasa as a bad period. But Shani gives a lot of benefits if it is strong and in a beneficial house. When Saturn is placed in a beneficial sign and house, he blesses that person with great wealth and fame. Saturn is connected with the age and longevity of a person. Saturn in the eighth house blesses the person with a long life. Saturn is also the planet of justice, representing Yama deva in astrology. Saturn acts as a judge and punishes depending upon the severity of the sins of a person. The person who commits sin is rewarded accordingly.Jupiter Saturn conjunction 2020 – Effect on zodiac Signs
- Aries (Mesha)
- Gemini (Mithun)
- Cancer (Karka)
- Leo (Simha)
- Virgo (Leo)
- Libra (Tula)
- Scorpio (Vrischika)
- Sagittarius (Dhanu)
- Capricorn (Makara)
- Aquarius (Kumbha)
- Pisces (Meena)