Jupiter is currently in Aquarius and in retrograde motion. Jupiter will enter the Capricorn sign on early hours of 15th September 2021 and will stay there till 20th November 2021. Capricorn is an earthy sign and is ruled by Saturn.
Jupiter will be slowing down in the sign of Capricorn, and that will impact your career. You will feel the need for improvement in work, and you have to work hard for that. Jupiter is not an ideal planet in this sign as well as in the house, so you will have to be very careful. These heavy planetary combinations are certainly going to highlight your work-related burdens. At times you will feel lazy and not interested in your work. You will have to work in a much-disciplined way so that you can complete them fast. Your managers also will be very demanding during this phase.
This is an important time for your foreign traveling and foreign collaborations. The transit of Jupiter in the sign of Capricorn is not so great so, you should be careful while your stay in foreign lands. If you are planning a long trip, then you should be extra careful. There will be some rework in projects from media, and communication also can come up. This is a very important time for studies and teaching too. Jupiter is conjunct Saturn, so you will find solutions for your issues, but that will be slow too.
The transit of Jupiter will impact the eight houses of finances and partnerships. There are chances for issues in the partnership ventures. One to one communication for financial deals is also seen. Lending and borrowing can be giving you some issues, so you will have to be careful. Please avoid heavy expenses as the incoming gains will be very less. There will be a lot of money-related arguments, and you have to keep an account of whatever you spend. You should be very careful when you form any new partnerships. There will be some issues arising from tax, PF, and insurances as well.
This is a very complex transit for your relationships, so you will have to be very careful with your personal and professional life. This is not the time to take up any final decisions in the relationship. So, you have to be very careful with your partners from the personal and professional sectors. You may meet people from the past, but this is not the time to restart any relationship. In the love and marital relationship, you should listen to your spouse more. Otherwise, there are chances for long-term relationships too.
This transit will impact your work, and it is not a very positive transit. There will be a lot of challenges regarding your work and other liabilities. You will have to be very mature in dealing with your workplace issues. There will be some obstacles, and that can come on a day-to-day basis. Your health is also very important during this phase. You will be looking for some new projects, and they can be complex as well. Please take care of your diet as, during this transit, you may have to go through dietary issues.
The transit of Jupiter will impact your creative skills and children. Jupiter is in retrograde mode, so you will have to face some obstacles in your own ventures. Please don’t take any risk in your own ventures; otherwise, there will be a lot of challenges. Those who work in the arts and entertainment sector will be looking for new opportunities, and they will have to go through work-related delays. This is not a great time to get committed, so please stay away from such moves in the love affairs. Parents have to take care of their children as they will have a lot of needs.
This is a challenging time for your family matters because Jupiter is in a slow-down mode. If you were planning for any real estate deals, then you will have to be careful. Jupiter is in a slow down mode, and whatever you do, this phase can bring rework. Emotional events can take place during this transit. You may have discussions related to the family property. Some of your family members may travel to far places. You need to take care of your belongings; otherwise, you may lose them. Elder figures in the family will need a lot of support too.
The retrograde Jupiter is conjunction Saturn, and this is not a great transit for your own ventures. You should not make any solo decisions in your own ventures. There will be a lot of delay in the existing projects. These opportunities can be from media, communication, or electronics. Siblings and siblings like people may be very active with you. But there will be arguments with them. This is a transit to multitask, so you have to make a good plan. Otherwise, you may get physical issues, and the neck and shoulder area will be very tender. If you are not careful, then you may get prolonged issues.
The retrograde move of Jupiter is not so great for your finances. This is not a great time for your finances, so you have to control your expenses. There may be unexpected expenses, and you have to make plans for cost-cutting. You have to take care of your dental and nasal health too. Your eye health is also very important during this phase. This is a good time to settle your financial issues, so make some good plans during this transit. You have to work hard, and that will help you to get some benefits from your career.
Your personal life will be greatly impacted by this Jupiter retrograde. Jupiter is conjunct with Saturn, and that shows you are in a serious mode of your life. Your life is going through a transformational phase. Since Jupiter and Saturn are serious planets, you will have to take up more practicality towards your life. Please think twice before you take up any new decisions. Whenever a planet goes in slow down, then you should do a retrospect in your life then, starting new projects. You will have to be careful with your physical health as well.
There will be a lot of focus on your emotional and physical health. Jupiter is in a retrograde, and that is the conjunction Saturn. You will be feeling like taking a break in order to make better plans for your life. You will have to work in a much-disciplined way so that you can complete them fast. These planets are influencing the house of perfection as well. So, there can be more focus on giving your best effort. The lower abdomen area also will be very sensitive. This is also a great time for prayer and meditation as well.
This Jupiter retrograde will bring more focus to your long-term projects and friendships. Jupiter is conjunct with Saturn, and that will be a highlight of this transit. You have to stick to the projects as there will be a lot of long-term projects. You will have to be very careful with your team members and friends as this is not the right time to pick up some arguments. Please try to be flexible, and that will be bringing more stability to your projects. There will be more team meetings and debates as well.