Transits, Western Astrology, Zodiac Signs
Sun Transit 2021 in Gemini – Impacts on all Zodiac Signs

The mighty Sun would be making his transit to Gemini from 15th June to 15th of July. Gemini is ruled by Mercury and is considered to be a friendly sign. There is a peculiar relation between Sun and Gemini. In astrology, the Sun represents the soul of the person. It represents ego, authority and father. Gemini indicates communication, travels and thoughts. The Sun’s transit through Gemini will majorly impact the communication skills of the individual. It can illuminate your character and increase your social prestige. The effect of the transit of the Sun through Gemini, on different signs, is detailed below.
The Sun transit 2021 in Gemini to the third house is likely to cast positive results. You may experience improved efficiency and authority at the workplace. There may be work-related travel. They may yield profits also. You may be confident and cast a positive influence on those around you. Decisions made on the financial front may be a success. There may be an increase in income. This is a good time to accept new responsibilities. You may have a good time with your siblings. Your relationship with your father may improve. You may be active in social media. You may gain in popularity. You may generally be in a good mood.
The Sun transit 2021 in Gemini in the second house is likely to deliver mixed results. You may be authoritative in speech and action. Care should be taken against any kind of excess. It is better to avoid people in general as they may take advantage of you. Do not commit yourself to anything. There may be favours coming from colleagues and those in authority. Avoid arguments and heated debates. It may tarnish your standing among others. There may be favourable movements and deals in the business. Staying humble in speech may get you desired results while dealing with others. There may be minor issues. You may be able to get over it.
The Sun’s transit to Lagna is likely to deliver favourable results. Your influence over others may improve, both within the family and at the place of work. Your understanding of situations may improve. You may be capable of making informed decisions. You may be able to overcome enemies. Efforts made with courage may bring success. However, there may be anger and aggression without any reason. You may have to control your temper. You may have to work hard to achieve your objectives. Rash decisions may cause hardships. It may be difficult to maintain healthy relationships with siblings. There may be arguments and quarrels with spouses. It is better to maintain minimal interaction during this period.
The 2021 Sun transit into the twelfth house may deliver mixed results. You may get distracted in personal situations. You need to be careful while making financial decisions. You need to go through the documentation carefully and think intellectually before investing your money, otherwise, you may have to face losses. There may be attempts of treachery and deceit. Enemies may try to transit your reputation. Try to be defensively offensive and do not take things head-on. There may be positive movements in business. Do not make any decision emotionally. Communicate well with your partner, otherwise, there may be misunderstandings. Drive safely and avoid arguments. Keep track of your eating habits. Do occasional health check-ups.
The Sun transit 2021 in Gemini through the eleventh house may deliver positive results. You can expect all-around development. You may feel optimistic and confident. Your calculations and expectations may be backed in reality. There may be profits. You may be authoritative and organized. There may be important works headed your way and these may bring good results. You may enjoy support from superiors and authority figures. You may spend quality time with family members. There may be the arrival of a new member into the family. You may find love. If you are already in love, the relationship may get more intimate. You may spend some quality time on yourself, working on your flexibility.
The Sun’s transit to the tenth house may deliver good results. You may gain status and may achieve your objectives. Your influence over others, including enemies, maybe at a maximum. You may enjoy a career peak. You may come into contact with influential people. They may deliver opportunities for future success. Your actions and related results may be very desirable. You need to be an opportunist. You have to take calculated risks to gain maximum success. This is an auspicious time for business persons and professionals. You may be able to evaluate your gains and losses dispassionately. You should also focus on clearing any pending legal issues. You may receive support from your father or authority figures.
The transit of the Sun to the ninth house may deliver good results. You may enjoy a favourable fortune andsteady income. There may also be a gradual rise in income. You may enjoy your work and be efficient at it. You may act fearlessly. This may also lead to rashness. It is better to postpone final decisions to a later time. There may be some problems also. You may not receive new opportunities. This is not a good time to be travelling. There may be differences with siblings. This may lead to arguments and quarrels. Also, make it a point to spend some quality time with your father.
The Sun transit 2021 in Gemini through the eighth house is likely to deliver negative results. There can be ups and downs in professional life. There may be uncertainty. You may feel distressed and disoriented. You need to be calm and patient. You need to have faith. Otherwise, it may bring sadness to your life. You may develop an interest in occult sciences. You may gain interest in expanding your knowledge. You may have to try hard to maintain discipline in your life. You may have to avoid shortcuts. You may have to try and maintain good moral behaviour. Doing your routine work with dignity and sincerity may eventually result in superiors lauding your efforts. Stay away from scandalous activities as they can tarnish your name and standing.
The Sun’s transit through the 7th house is likely to deliver negative results. The transition may make you aggressive and impatient. Your relationship with colleagues and partners at work may be affected. Your mind may be filled with mixed emotions. You should put a cap on your anger. Otherwise, there may be problems in personal and professional life. It is essential to practice restraint with your spouse. It is advised to be humble while dealing with others. You may be unnecessarily authoritative. Your tendency to be valorous may end in causing harm coming your way. It is advised to seek guidance before jumping into action. Temper and ego may otherwise end in you facing trouble.
The Sun’s transit through the sixth house may deliver good results. You may be competitive. You may overcome your enemies. They won’t dare to face you at this time. You may win even when the odds are stacked against you. There may be financial gains. You may be able to repay your debts and loans. It is a good time to present your skillsetin front of your seniors. You may be rewarded for work done on a professional front. You may be able to gain new responsibilities. Your health may improve. Any lingering physical issues may vanish. There is a possibility that you may win a legal case. Avoid taking unnecessary loans.
The Sun transit 2021 in Gemini through the fifth house may deliver mixed results. You may enjoy your work. You may learn new things in your field of work. If you are a student, there may be promising developments. This can be a difficult period in your love life. You need to keep control over your words. Your timid and rigid behaviour may estrange your life partner. You need to maintain a cool temperament to strike a balance between personal and professional life. You may experience joy from children. Staying close to them may bring bliss to your life.
The Sun’s transit through the fourth house may deliver mixed results. You may initiate many things with great vigour and energy but there may be delays in obtaining the results you desire. Patience is the greatest virtue you can have at this time. Act mature while dealing with family members and relations. You may experience a heaviness in emotions. It can bring discomfort in life. However, you may accept it as a part of life. You may believe in hard work. Eventually, you may be able to turn things around with your hard work. Drive safely and avoid contact with rough edges of tools, fixtures and furniture. Your mother can face health issues, and this may make you worried.