According to the horoscope of Hima Das, she will be a woman who uses her skills to make a good living. She recognizes that it is only by the hard work that she can get ahead. Her family will be either incapable of or unable to support her in her youth. She will have to make her way in the world through her own efforts. She will have a happy life. Never be disappointed if others do not respond warmly enough. Stay away from convincing sales-people.
Get your Horoscope!Hima’s horoscope shows that will be keenly interested in getting to the bottom of any situation. She will be religiously inclined and may become more deeply so as she gets older. She is methodical in her actions. She will believe in order and in cleanliness. She will enjoy being a gracious hostess.
Since she is born in DWITHEEYA THIDHI, she will have a very strong sense of self-worth. she will have a special affinity for movement. Hima will enjoy such things as kites, roller-coasters, fast cars, birds and animals. Birth in Koulava Karana indicates that her life will sail through periods of agony and ecstasy. She will show compassion towards animals. VAJRA NITHYAYOGA gives her precision and clarity in all things.

The first house of the horoscope represents the personality characteristics, physical structure, status and fame of the person. Based on the position of Lagna the following characteristics may be present in her personality. She will be idealistic, quick-witted, vindictive, forceful, positive, well-informed, interested in logic and legality, imaginative and self-confident. According to her horoscope, she will enjoy, travelling, poetry, music, art. Physically she will have attractive eyes and an impressive appearance.
Get your Horoscope!She will probably have an alias or nick-name. She loves justice, peace and harmony. She will believe in a divine power. Hima will enjoy working for the government or for large institutions. She will be skinny early in life but will gain weight as she grows older. She tends to worry. If she is in the political or religious field, she will exert tremendous influence over others. She has the power to convince people because of her absolute faith in her own message. She will love music. She will be exceptionally honest.
Since her Lagna lies in the first Drekkana of its house, she will have financial success in business enterprises. Hima will do well with a career in law or politics. She will live extravagantly. Hima is a very special individual. Her life can turn in any direction, depending on the influences she is under. The important years in her life are 17, 24, 31, 33, 40, 43 and 57.
Since the lord of the ascendant is in the 2nd house, Hima will possess a multitude of excellent qualities. She will be studious and religious. She will be a gifted conversationalist. And she will have the ability to ascertain or intuit the future. She will have piercing eyes. Most importantly, she will be a happy individual.
Get your Horoscope!Jupiter aspects Lagna. she will give importance to wearing good, clean dress and choosing good words in conversations. The aspect of Saturn on the first house, seen in her horoscope, is not a good indication and it is essential that she take all efforts to keep away from the unclean environment and a doubtful company of friends. The aspect of Saturn on the first house, seen in her horoscope, is not a good indication and it is essential that she take all efforts to keep away from the unclean environment and a doubtful company of friends.