Ganesh Jayanti, also called Magha Shukla Chaturthi or Maghi Ganesh Jayanti, celebrates the birth of Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity revered as the remover of obstacles and a symbol of wisdom and prosperity. It is observed on the Shukla Paksha Chaturthi in the month of Magha as per the Hindu lunar calendar, typically falling in January or February.In 2025, this auspicious occasion will be celebrated on Saturday, February 1st.Though distinct from the widely celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi in September, Ganesh Jayanti is equally significant, especially in Maharashtra and Konkan, where it is observed with immense devotion. Temples and homes are adorned with flowers, and elaborate rituals, including special pujas and aartis, are performed. Devotees seek Lord Ganesha’s blessings for wisdom, prosperity, and the removal of life’s obstacles. This festival beautifully unites people in collective reverence for the beloved Lord of Wisdom, fostering harmony and spiritual growth.
Important Timings On Ganesh Jayanti 2025
- Sunrise – February 01, 7:10 AM
- Sunset – February 01, 6:10 PM
- Puja Shubh Muhurat – February 01, 11:38 AM – 01:46 PM
- Chaturthi Tithi Timing – February 01, 11:38 AM – February 02, 09:14 AM
- Amrut Kaal Timing – February 01, 07:06 PM – 08:36 PM
- Rahukaal Timing – February 01, 09:55 AM – 11:17 AM
- Festival Day Moon Timing – February 01, 09:05 AM – 09:13 PM
- Previous Day Moon Timing – January 31, 08:28 AM – 08:12 PM
- Ravi Yog – February 01, 04:14 AM – 07:10 AM
- Abhijit Muhurat Timing – February 01, 12:18 PM – 01:02 PM
Significance of Ganesh Jayanti
The significance of Ganesh Jayanti lies in celebrating the birth of Lord Ganesha, the revered elephant-headed deity symbolizing wisdom, prosperity, and the removal of obstacles. His unique form carries deep spiritual meaning: the elephant head represents material joys and worldly pleasures, while his human body signifies the pursuit of spiritual wisdom and inner peace. Together, they embody the perfect harmony between material and spiritual aspirations, teaching humanity the importance of balance in life. The fascinating legends surrounding Ganesha’s birth, drawn from ancient Hindu scriptures, highlight profound philosophical and spiritual insights. According to one popular story, Goddess Parvati created Ganesha from turmeric paste as a guardian while she bathed. Unaware of his origins, Lord Shiva attempted to enter, leading to a confrontation where Ganesha was beheaded. Parvati’s grief compelled Shiva to resurrect him by replacing his head with that of an elephant, symbolizing wisdom and strength. Another legend emphasizes his role as the remover of obstacles. Ganesha’s birth signifies the triumph of divine love and balance over chaos and ignorance. Celebrated on Magha Shukla Chaturthi, Ganesh Jayanti inspires devotees to seek his blessings for guidance, harmony, and success, reflecting his eternal role as the Lord of Wisdom and Prosperity.The Birth of Lord Ganesha
The birth of Lord Ganesha is a captivating story that symbolizes divine love, wisdom, and the importance of balance in life. Goddess Parvati, yearning for a child to guide and protect all beings on their spiritual journeys, created Ganesha from turmeric and oil paste she had scraped from her own body. Breathing life into the figure, she brought forth a son and named him Ganesha. Parvati entrusted him with the task of guarding her chambers while she bathed, instructing him not to allow anyone to enter. When Lord Shiva arrived and sought to enter, Ganesha, unaware of his father’s identity, stood firm in his mother’s command and blocked his path. Enraged by this defiance, Shiva, in a fit of anger, used his trident to decapitate the child. This tragic act left Parvati inconsolable, and her grief moved Shiva to make amends. To restore Ganesha’s life, Shiva ordered his followers, the Ganas, to bring him the head of the first creature they encountered. They returned with the head of an elephant, which Shiva placed on Ganesha’s body, resurrecting him. From that moment, Lord Ganesha was named Ganapati, the “Ruler of the Ganas,” and became the beloved deity of wisdom, prosperity, and the remover of obstacles.Legends Associated with Ganesha
Lord Ganesha’s life is enriched with intriguing legends that convey profound moral and spiritual lessons. Among these, the stories of The Broken Tusk and The Curse of the Moon stand out as significant tales from Hindu mythology.The Broken Tusk
According to the Brahmanda Purana and Brahmavaivarta Purana, Ganesha’s broken tusk is the result of a confrontation with Parashurama, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Parashurama, having defeated unrighteous kings with his axe, approached Mount Kailas to offer the blood-soaked weapon to Lord Shiva. Standing guard at the gate, Ganesha denied Parashurama entry without permission, as per his duty. Angered by Ganesha’s refusal, Parashurama hurled his axe at him. To honor the divine weapon, Ganesha chose not to resist, and the axe struck, breaking one of his tusks. The incident enraged Goddess Parvati, who transformed into her fierce form, Durga, and demanded repentance from Parashurama. Realizing his mistake, Parashurama apologized and offered his axe to Ganesha as a mark of respect, ending the conflict.The Curse of the Moon
A popular legend explains the Moon God’s curse, which highlights humility and respect. The Moon God mocked Ganesha’s elephant-like appearance, ridiculing the idea of a rotund deity riding a mouse. Offended, Ganesha cursed the Moon, declaring that anyone who looked at it on Shukla Chaturthi in the sacred month of Bhadrapada would face bad luck. To mitigate the curse, a special mantra was created: “Sinha prasenamavadheet sinho jambavataa hatahSukumaaraka ma rodeestav hyesh syamantakah” Devotees who accidentally look at the moon on this day chant the mantra while drinking water to cleanse themselves of misfortune. These legends highlight Ganesha’s wisdom, his role as a protector, and the importance of humility and respect for all beings.