Famous Astrologers in Ancient Times

Vedic astrology has been around for a long time. It is as old as the Vedas. In fact, it is referred to as the ‘eye’ of the Vedas. It helped people see higher power and a superior creation. In ancient India, astrology had a very important role in society. Astrologers were revered by kings and emperors. Astrology was the tree and astronomy was one of the numerous branches of that tree in those days. It touched every aspect of the lives of the people, making them productive. While initially Vedic astrology was depicted in the language of mysticism and divinity as was the custom of those days, later, it was explained in a new format—as that of science. This was pioneered by Indian astrologers during the first few centuries of the Common Era (CE). While earlier, Vedic astrology, like the Vedas itself, was narrated as it was received from the supreme intelligence; the new field of science was carved out to explain astrological factors including planetary movements and alignments in worldly terms with proofs for the benefit of the common masses. This approach quickly spread throughout the world and India became the knowledge hub of the world.
Repetitive waves of invasions followed. The sole intention was to wipe out the Vedic way of life and replace it with “modernity”. As part of it, astrology was labeled as a blind superstition with no scientific backing and was effectively blacklisted. This void created on the psyche of the society by casting out astrology from mainstream science still exists. Even today, though Vedic culture as a whole is getting widespread acceptance, spirituality as the basis of worldly life is considered too absurd a suggestion. Vedic Astrology allowed people to get in touch with themselves. It inspired them to base their lives on Dharma – selfless devotion to duty. Ancient India had some renowned astrologers. The list includes mathematicians, physicists, and sages. Some of their works are still followed by modern scientists of today.