Clickastro customer shares her experience after buying in-depth horoscope report
Hindi Video Transcript
ही दोस्तों! मेरा नाम मंजीत कथूरिआ है। मैंने सुना ही था की शादी के बाद दो लोगों की ज़िंदगिया एक हो जाती ह। लेकिन मुझे शादी के बाद पता चला एक दुसरे की ग्रहों का असर भी एक दुसरे के लाइफ पर पड़ना शुरू हो जाता ह। मैं इन सबमे इतना ज़्यादा बिलीव तो नहीं करती थी लेकिन फिर मेरी एक दोस्त ने मुझे क्लिस्कास्ट्रो अप्प का सजेशन दिया जो जनम तिथि के हिसाब से कुंडली तैयार करते थ। मैंने उस अप्प के थ्रू अपने हस्बैंड की कुंडली तैयार कराई। मैंने सबसे पहले अपने हस्बैंड का जनम तिथि और समय भेजा और उन लोगों ने कुछ ही समयके बाद मुझे मेरे हस्बैंड की प्रॉपर कुंडली तैयार करके भेज दी। फिर मैंने वो कुंडली अपने हस्बैंड के साथ डिसकस की। उस कुंडली में जो भी लिखा हुआ था वो सब पढ़कर मेरे हस्बैंड एकदम से भोचक्का रह गए और उन्होंने मुझसे कहाँ की अगर यह कुंडली मैंने पहले बनवायी होती तो मैं अपने लाइफ में जो प्रॉब्लम अभी फेस कर रहा हूँ, ये सारे प्रोब्लेम्स मैं फेस नहीं किये होती। इस कुंडली में ना की प्रेजेंट बल्कि भविष्य के बारे में भी कुछ ऐसी बातें बताई गयी थी ना की सिर्फ प्रॉब्लम बल्कि उनका सलूशन भी प्रॉपर तरीके से दिया गया था। और उस कुंडली में जो भी उपाय दिए गए थे , वो पड़ने के बाद मैंने उन सबको फॉलो करना शुरू किया और मेरे हस्बैंडने भी उसमे दिए गए उपाय को प्रॉपर तरीके से फॉलो किया और उस उसके बाद से हम अपने लाइफ में प्रॉपर तरीके से एक चेंज देख रहे हैं , जो की एक पॉजिटिव चेंज है । तो मैं आप सभी को कहना की एक बार क्लिस्कास्ट्रो अप्प को ट्राई कीजिये।
English Video Transcript
Hi Friends! My name is Manjeet Kathuria. I have heard that marriage brings two lives together; however, after marriage I also came to know that the planetary positions of both husband and wife can also start to affect their marital life. I never used to believe in such things but one of my friends suggested to me the Clickastro App which prepared Kundli based on birth date. Through that app, I prepared my husband’s Kundli. First, I sent across my husband’s birth Tithi and time to them, and they provided my husband’s proper kundali within a few minutes. I then discussed the horoscope with my husband. My husband was quite shocked reading what was written in the kundali, and he said to me that had he made this kundli earlier, he would not have had to face the problems that he was facing today. The horoscope provided not just the present predictions, but also of the future, and it did not just mention the problems but also the proper solutions to those problems. After reading through the horoscope, me and my husband started following all the remedial measures properly as suggested in the horoscope and afterwards we began to experience a proper change in our life which was a positive change. So, I would like to tell you all to try the Clickastro App at least once.
Our writers possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise, channeling their skills to illuminate the realms of Astrology, Spirituality, Planetary Movements, Vastu Shastra, Numerology, and Tarot, among other captivating subjects. With a shared commitment to guide and enlighten, our team endeavors to craft articles that serve as beacons of wisdom, helping readers navigate the ebb and flow of life with...
Hi. Since having my vedic astrology horoscope from clickastro. My life have change for the better. There is so much revelations reveal in my horoscope report. Everyday I am looking forward for my daily report. Thank you Clickastro. For this much need information. You guys are doing a great job
rajita roy choudhury
Very much worries of delay in marriage decision and quickly predict exactly the month marriage is by God's blessings happy and blissful
Manju came in touch with me about the report feedback and I must say she was very polite and to the point in the discussion we had. I am very much satisfied by the customer engagement.
Gives a lot if information. I liked the predictions about personality traits and the things I should take care or change in myself to lead a better life. Other than that, it is a bit generalised but it is true for most of the traits.
Sir we are very far away in physical but when I contact Astro, I send message and get prediction in short period. Recently I got Siyara (22 12 24, 1.34pm,hongkong)baby. She is in nursary care due to premature delivery. What godly we should do to for her early come home healthy.
lakshmi iyer
Got the Tamil Jathagam, and it was full of detailed and useful information. A great experience!