August-born people will belong to two signs: Cancer and Leo. If the person is born between August 1st and August 22nd, then he will be Cancer and the rest will be Leo. Both people will have different behaviors according to their
birth horoscope, as the planetary combination will be changing throughout these days. The person with the sun in Leo and Virgo behaves differently as the foundation of the horoscope is built on two different elements. Cancer is built on water, and Leo’s base is fire, so there is a vast difference between everyone born in August.
In addition to that, the moon will be changing signs every two days, so the thought process of every August-born person will be different. However, in this article, we are going to analyze the behavior based on Sun. According to the
Vedic calendar, this month has three portions, which are
Shravana (31 days) Begins July 23, Bhadra (31 days) Begins August 23, Asvina (30 days) Begins September 23
People Born Between August 1 and 22
These people are Cancer natives, as the sun will be in the water sign of Cancer. These natives will be family-oriented, as the sun is in Cancer, and Cancer in the cosmic man’s horoscope indicates home and family. The ruler of Cancer is the Moon, so the two core planets, Sun and Moon, will influence the water sign, making this person very family-oriented. The sun indicates a soul in astrology, so this person will always be connected to his place of birth and home, wherever he lives. His identity will be designed through the experiences he goes through in his own family. These people are caring, protective, and nurturing, as the moon, the ruler of Cancer, indicates. These people need a secure environment around them, both physically and emotionally; otherwise, they will be very insecure.
The symbol of cancer is a crab, which shows the clinging nature, so these people always cling on to someone to be confident, which is a negative trait. Despite their soft exterior, they have a very tough side, which people don’t generally identify with.
Cancer natives have a deep bond with their family, unless the sun is afflicted with malefics. An unafflicted sun indicates the person likes to spend more time at home, and they create a cozy space. The home environment of a Cancer native will be mostly white, where he will decorate the home with white objects. These people will be mostly living near a water body too.
These natives will have strong intuition, like they will have a strong sixth sense. They can easily tell when the energy level of the house is low. This intuition will make them natural caregivers or protectors. These natives are very creative, as they have a rich imagination. These natives will be very protective of their near and dear ones too.
Read Karka/Cancer Rashi Characteristics
People Born Between August 22 and 30
During these dates, the sun will be in its own sign, Leo, and he rejoices to be there. These people are very confident, as the sun, the king of the zodiac, is in its own domain. This person is the perfect blend of beauty, royalty, and creativity. Leo is the ace sign for creative activities, so the Sun in a Leo person will have a lot of creative talents. We can see them as actors, fashion professionals, or even politicians, as Leo indicates political power. If the early-born August natives are timid, the later-born people are very flamboyant and outgoing. The Leo natives will make great leaders and pioneers. In Cancer, the sun is in the water sign, but in Leo, the sun is in the blazing fire sign, which will make them energetic. Cancer natives can have water-borne diseases like asthma or colds, but Leo natives will be protected from these, but they can also have heat-related issues like headaches or migraines.
People born in Leo will have a very big heart, and they are often generous. It is because the sun in astrology indicates king, and Leo natives naturally see themselves as kings, and they find everyone around them to be their subjects. They will always have a group of people around them, as they can attract people within their circle with their charming nature. However, they can be naturally proud of their family and roots. What can motivate a Leo native is continuous admiration. However, the downside of these people will be their unending pride, which can put them into serious trouble.
Read Characteristics of Simha/Leo Rashi
The main differences of Cancer Sun, and Leo Sun
Cancer natives are a bit of introverts, and Leo natives are just oppositely extroverts. When Cancer natives express their creativity in silence, Leo natives express their creative skills so that they get admiration. For Cancer natives, their life is all about internalization, but Leo natives like to be in the group, and then their personalities will develop. Cancer natives have a cautious approach, but Leo natives are well prepared to take on the risky side of life. When the Cancer natives are emotional, the Leo natives are confident. When Cancer natives want support, Leo natives want freedom and independence. Cancer natives are very private people, but Leo natives are outgoing, and they get energy when they are noticed by the public.
Even though people are born in the same month, they display different characteristics, and that’s how the universe works. The character and behavior of these people will further change according to their transit and placement. The person with Sun in Cancer in the first house will not behave the same as a person with Sun in Cancer in the third house. The sun in Leo in the sixth house will have different behavior than the sun in Leo in the eleventh house. The conjunction of the sun with Jupiter will make the person very knowledgeable, and if the conjunction is within close degrees, the person will be very arrogant.
So, there are a lot of parameters that make people display different qualities. Hence, a close analysis of the birth horoscope is very important to know what the person truly is.