Vedic astrology, commonly referred to as Jyotish, boasts an ancient lineage that originated in India. Its distinction from Western astrology hinges on the utilization of divisional charts, a fascinating facet that elevates the precision of astrological interpretations.

What exactly are these divisional charts?

Imagine them as mini horoscopes, each meticulously crafted by dissecting every sign of the natal chart (D-1) into numerous segments (D-2, D-3, and so on). It’s no exaggeration to assert that a comprehensive horoscope reading in Vedic astrology remains incomplete without venturing into the realm of divisional charts. Surprisingly, many individuals inadvertently disregard these charts, thereby missing out on valuable insights.

Each divisional chart acts as a microscopic version of the houses within the primary natal birth chart (D-1), and it grants access to intricate details that remain concealed in the broader view. For instance, individuals born within the same two-hour timeframe might share the same ascendant sign and, consequently, the same natal house and chart (D-1). Yet, this does not equate to shared destinies or life trajectories. Even identical twins, born with identical dates, times, and places, exhibit unique life patterns and destinies. The mystery behind this divergence lies in the realm of divisional charts.indepth horoscope

Divisional charts introduce a dynamic element. The ascendant of divisional charts changes rapidly, sometimes even with mere seconds of variance, leading to completely different results in Dasha (planetary periods) and planetary behavior. As a result, those who wish to delve into astrology earnestly are well-advised to embrace the world of divisional charts.

Among the different divisional chart schemes, Shodashvarga, which is a group of 16 different types of divisional charts, stands out as the most versatile and significant. In the following sections, we will embark on a journey into the intriguing domain of Shodashvarga charts. We’ll uncover what they entail, delve into their calculation methods, and explore their profound significance in the intricate tapestry of Vedic astrology.

What Are Shodashvarga Charts?

Shodashvarga, originating from Sanskrit, literally means “sixteen parts.” These Shodashvarga charts form a collection of sixteen divisional charts integral to Vedic astrology, designed to provide deeper insights into diverse aspects of a person’s life. These charts play a pivotal role in enabling astrologers to conduct a more intricate and nuanced analysis of an individual’s horoscope.

Through these charts, astrologers gain valuable insights into different dimensions of an individual’s character, professional path, relationships, health, and more. By doing so, it empowers astrologers to delve deeply into various realms, including one’s career, interpersonal connections, physical well-being, and spiritual journey.

Here’s a breakdown of these sixteen charts and their respective areas of focus:

  1. Rashi/Natal Chart (D-1): This forms the foundation for all divisional charts, providing initial clues about every facet of human existence.
  2. Hora Chart (D-2): Used to analyze wealth, speech, and family matters.
  3. Drekkana (D-3): Employed to understand co-borns, assess courage, and gauge inner strength.
  4. Chaturamsha (D-4): Examines aspects related to one’s home, mother, property, destiny, and immovable assets.
  5. Saptamsa (D-7): Offers insights into matters concerning one’s sexual life, children, and the ability to conceive offspring.
  6. Navamsa (D-9): Renowned as the “microscopic version of the natal birth chart,” it delves into the spouse, married life, fortune, and overall luck.
  7. Dashamsa (D-10): Focuses on career prospects, professional achievements, honor, status, and the possibility of demotion.
  8. Dwadasmsa (D-12): Provides valuable information about parents and lineage.
  9. Shodasmsa (D-16): Explores general happiness, movable assets, and related aspects of life.
  10. Vimshamsa (D-20): Concentrates on spiritual pursuits, progress in spiritual practices, and the outcomes of religious worship.
  11. Chaturvimshamsa (D-24): Assesses academic achievements, learning, and educational patterns.
  12. Saptavimshamsa (D-27): Offers insights into physical strength and stamina.
  13. Trimshamsa (D-30): Focuses on matters of suffering, illnesses, and adversities in life.
  14. Khavedamsa (D-40): Reveals auspicious effects and influences in various life domains.
  15. Akshvedamsa (D-45): Sheds light on one’s general character and conduct.
  16. Shastiamsa (D-60): Widely employed for scrutinizing all aspects of life, offering a comprehensive perspective.
These divisional charts enhance the precision of astrological assessments, allowing astrologers to delve into intricate facets of an individual’s journey through life.

Calculating Shodashvarga Charts

The process of deriving Shodashvarga charts entails the systematic division of the zodiac into distinct sections, with each chart adhering to its unique divisional scheme. This intricate calculation process is carried out through the use of advanced mathematical techniques and specialized software, guaranteeing the precision required for Vedic astrology readings.

In Shodashvarga, a total of 20 points represents the collective strength attainable by a specific group of Varga (divisional charts). The allocation of these points across the various D-charts within the Shodashvarga chart is as follows:

  • Natal Chart (D-1): 3.5 units.
  • Hora Chart (D-2): 1 unit.
  • Drekkana (D-3): 1 unit.
  • Chaturthamsa (D-4): 0.5 unit.
  • Saptamsa (D-7): 0.5 unit.
  • Navamsa (D-9): 3 units.
  • Dashamsa (D-10): 0.5 unit.
  • Dwadasmsa (D-12): 0.5 unit.
  • Shodasmsa (D-16): 2 units.
  • Vimshamsa (D-20): 0.5 unit.
  • Chaturvimshamsa (D-24): 0.5 unit.
  • Saptavimshamsa (D-27): 1 unit.
  • Trimshamsa (D-30): 1.5 units.
  • Khavedamsa (D-40): 0.5 unit.
  • Akshvedamsa (D-45): 0.5 unit.
  • Shastiamsa (D-60): 5 units.
This systematic distribution of points assigns specific strengths to each divisional chart within Shodashvarga, reflecting their relative importance in Vedic astrology and providing a basis for comprehensive astrological assessments.

Significance of Shodashvarga Charts

Shodashvarga charts play a crucial role in Vedic astrology for the following reasons:


The Shodashvarga charts offer a level of precision unparalleled in Vedic astrology, enabling astrologers to conduct in-depth analyses of numerous facets of an individual’s life. Their intricate divisional schemes grant access to nuanced insights that remain concealed within the broader canvas of the natal chart. This precision enables astrologers to make highly accurate predictions regarding various life domains, including career trajectories, relationships, health outcomes, and spiritual journeys. By peering into these specialized charts, astrologers can decipher the subtle influences of celestial bodies with greater clarity, guiding individuals toward a deeper understanding of their life path and helping them navigate the intricacies of their destiny with greater precision.


The specialization embedded within Shodashvarga charts is a cornerstone of their significance in Vedic astrology. These charts, with their distinct divisional focuses, empower astrologers to delve deeply into specific realms of an individual’s existence. Each chart serves as a magnifying lens, honing in on particular life areas such as career, family, relationships, and spirituality. This specialization allows astrologers to offer remarkably detailed and tailored insights into a person’s life journey. It’s akin to having a set of finely tuned instruments, each designed to reveal the intricate melodies of a different aspect of one’s destiny. This specialization is instrumental in providing individuals with comprehensive guidance and a deeper understanding of their life’s unique tapestry.


Shodashvarga charts in Vedic astrology not only serve as a roadmap to understanding the various dimensions of an individual’s life but also play a pivotal role in offering remedies to alleviate negative influences. These charts identify specific areas where planetary alignments may pose challenges or obstacles. Armed with this knowledge, astrologers can recommend targeted remedies, which might include gemstone recommendations, mantra chanting, rituals, or lifestyle adjustments, to mitigate the adverse effects of celestial influences. This personalized approach ensures that individuals receive precise guidance on how to navigate their unique life circumstances. By implementing these remedies, individuals can work proactively to harmonize their energies and reduce the impact of unfavorable planetary configurations, thereby enhancing their overall well-being and life outcomes.

Marriage Compatibility:

Within the realm of Vedic astrology, the Navamsa chart holds profound significance when it comes to assessing marriage compatibility. This chart, often regarded as the “marriage chart,” provides a granular view of an individual’s spouse and the dynamics of their married life. Astrologers meticulously examine the alignment of planets in the Navamsa chart, assessing their positions, aspects, and planetary relationships. By scrutinizing these celestial configurations, astrologers can gain critical insights into the potential harmony or discord between spouses. This analysis delves deep into aspects like emotional compatibility, shared values, and the overall trajectory of the marital relationship. Consequently, the Navamsa chart plays an indispensable role in guiding individuals toward compatible life partners and offering valuable insights into the intricate dance of love and commitment.

Shodashvarga charts stand as a cornerstone within the vast science of Vedic astrology, offering a panoramic and multi-dimensional perspective of an individual’s life journey. Unlike Western astrology, which predominantly leans on the natal chart, Vedic astrology takes a quantum leap by incorporating these sixteen divisional charts. This multifaceted approach provides astrologers with a vast toolkit to unravel the intricate threads of one’s destiny.

The journey to mastering Shodashvarga charts is not for the faint-hearted; it demands years of rigorous study, dedication, and practice. Astrologers, through the careful examination of these charts, can offer individuals unparalleled insights into every aspect of their lives, from career trajectories and personal relationships to health, spirituality, and more.

This complexity, though challenging, underscores the profound depth of Vedic astrology. It allows for a nuanced understanding of human existence, recognizing that life’s experiences are woven from countless threads, each influenced by the celestial dance above. For those willing to embark on this profound journey of self-discovery and cosmic connection, the Shodashvarga charts serve as an invaluable compass, guiding individuals toward a deeper comprehension of their unique destiny and purpose.

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