Planet Mercury in Vedic Astrology

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun and comes between our Earth and the source of all life forms, the Sun. Mercury, thus, has a very significant place in our astrology charts as it influences our being substantial.
Mercury is a neutral planet and its association with the other planets becomes very important as it behaves in tandem with the planets it is placed with. Mercury is beneficial if it is with benefic planets, while it impacts us adversely if it is placed with malefic planets.
Mercury or ‘Budh’ is the signifier of intelligence. It represents the thinking mind, but unlike the moon that represents just the consciousness, Budh is what helps one differentiate the right from the wrong and the good from the evil. It is representative of intellect, wit, humor, sharp thinking, education, business, and most importantly, communication. Having a good Mercury makes one an efficient communicator, and often such people can rise to success in personal as well as professional spheres. Even in the traditions of Hindu religious practices, Mercury is accorded a special place. Mercury is regarded as the Grahapati- the lord of the planets.
Since Mercury dictates so many aspects of our life, it is important that we learn about Mercury in astrology, to know the movement of this planet better and how it is likely to affect us. In case of weak or negatively placed Mercury, we may need some remedies to get better results.
Mercury or Budh, as it is called in Vedic astrology, is the messenger of the Gods and the Prince in the celestial cabinet. The birth story of Mercury is very different from the other planets. Mercury is born of the union of Moon or Chandra and Tara or Star.
Tara, the wife of Dev Guru Brihaspati, fell in love with the handsome Chandra. The Moon deity also took a liking for the beautiful Tara and, soon after, they eloped. As a result of the union, Budh or Mercury was born.
Brihaspati had questioned the paternity of the child while Tara refused to speak on the matter. A lot of persuasion by the Devas also did not help, and it was only after the unborn child asked the same question from the womb thatTara revealed the father’s identity. The unborn child, who was so intelligent even in his mother’s womb, thus became ‘Budh’- the wise one.
However, as a result of Brihaspati’s curse, Budh is neither a man nor a woman. Thus, Mercury is considered to be a neutral planet that takes on the attributes of the planets it is placed with- with benefic planets, it is benefic, while with the malefic planets, Mercury is malefic.
Budh is also regarded as Vishnu-Rupi, owing to Mercury’s beauty and similarity in appearance with Vishnu. Thus the presiding deity of Mercury is also Lord Vishnu.